
Deposit & Customer Service Policy of the Bank

Customer service has great significance in the banking industry and Depositors' interest forms the focal point for banking system. The banking system in India today has perhaps the largest outreach for delivery of financial services and is also serving as an important conduit for delivery of financial services. While the coverage has been expanding day by day, the quality and content of dispensation of customer service needs constant improvement because of the soaring demands and expectations of the customers and also innovation in the digital platforms.

The Deposit & Customer Service Policy of the Bank outlines the principles in respect of formulation of various deposit products offered by the Bank and terms and conditions governing the conduct of the accounts keeping in view the rights of depositors and aims at dissemination of information with regard to various aspects of acceptance of deposit accounts, payment of interest on various deposit accounts, closure of deposit accounts, customer service framework, Grievance Redressal mechanism etc.

While adopting this policy, the Bank reiterates its commitment to individual customers in strengthening our customer service relationship with them. This document is a broad framework under which the rights of common depositors are recognized and process of empowering depositor is defined.

This comprehensive policy is related to deposits and customer service in the Bank which includes the policies mentioned hereunder:


Deposit Policy


Compensation Policy


Cheque/Instrument Collection Policy


Policy on Dealing with Dishonor of Cheques/ Electronic Mandate


Policy on Classification of Unclaimed Deposits/Inoperative Accounts


Customers’ Rights Policy


Policy for General Management of Branches


New Internet Banking Solution



PSB UniC Digital Banking Solution


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