
Citizens Charter

Citizen Charter of the Bank


Time Schedule  
Receipt of Cash 10-15 Minutes
Encashment of Cheques 10-15 Minutes
Issue of Cheque-Book/DDs/POs 15-20 Minutes
Opening of an Account 15-20 Minutes
Payment of DDs/POs 10-20 Minutes
Payment/Renewal of FDRs 20-25 Minutes
Retirement of Bills 20-30 Minutes
Updation of Pass Book/ Issue of Account Statement 05-10 Minutes
Statement of Account to be issued regularly On every 5th of the Month.
Collection of Cheques Local 2-4 days
Outstation 10-14 days
Common Practices Followed By Our Branches For Your Convenience 
  • Display of business hours.
  • Attend to all customers present in the banking hall at the close of business hours and rendering of courteous service.
  • Offer nomination facility to all deposit accounts (i.e. account opened in individual capacity) and all safe deposit hirers (i.e. individual hirers).
  • Display interest rates for various deposit schemes from time to time.
  • Notify change in interest rates on advances through our website.
  • Display of Service Charges on issue of Demand Drafts, Pay Orders, Duplicate Drafts, Cancellation of Drafts, Collection of Documents, etc.
  • Display Time - Norms for various Banking Transactions.
  • Pay interest for delayed credit of outstation cheques, as advised by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time.
  • Display of availability of Locker facility at the Branch.
  • Display of Tax Collection facility at the Branch.
  • Accord immediate credit in respect of outstation and local cheques upto a specified limit subject to certain conditions, as advised by RBI from time to time.
  • Provide complaint/suggestion box in the Branch premises.
  • Display address of Zonal & Head Offices, as well as Nodal Officer dealing with customer grievances/complaints.
  • Name and address of the concerned banking ombudsman.
  • Corruption free service to all customers.
Common Area of Customer Banker Relationship 

Saving Bank Account

  • These accounts are designed to help the individuals (personal customers) to inculcate habit of saving money and to meet their future requirement of money. The amount can be deposited / withdrawn from these accounts by way of cheques / withdrawal slips. The withdrawals are restricted to 50 entries for each half-year in the S.B. Account.The withdrawals are restricted to 50 entries for each half-year in the general S.B. Account subject to 5 transactions in a month free of cost, thereafter charges apply.
  • Saving Bank accounts are very popular. These accounts can be opened by eligible person(s) and certain organization(s) / agencies as approved by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  • As required by law, while opening this account, we satisfy ourselves about the identity, including verification of address, of a person(s) seeking to open an account and to assist in protecting our prospective customer(s) and ourselves against fraud and other misuses of the banking system.
  • We are required to obtain two recent photographs of the person(s) opening the account, as per R.B.I. directives.
  • We are required to obtain either Aadhaar as ID/Address proof or other officially valid documents(OVD) as ID/Address Proof along with Permanent Account Number (PAN) or alternatively obtain declaration in Form No. 60 or 61 as per the Income Tax Act (vide Section 139 A) from the person(s) opening the account.
  • We provide to the prospective customers details of the documents required for identification of the person(s) opening the account.
  • You are required to maintain certain minimum balance in the account, as specified by the Bank from time to time. Interest at 3.5% for balance up to 20 lakh, above 20 lakh - 4%, is processed rate, as per presently paid on quarterly basis.
  • Cheques, dividend warrants drawn in the name of account holder(s) will only be collected through this account. Financial instruments endorsed in favour of the account holder(s) will not be collected through savings bank account.
  • Get your passbook updated on presentation legibly with full entries. If the number of entries to be made is large, kindly leave the passbook against receipt showing the date when it can be collected back. You can obtain the statement of account indicating full details by 5th of every month in case you have not been issued a passbook.
  • You can obtain a new cheque book when your requisition slip appears next in the current cheque book.
  • For more details, please contact our Branch to serve you better.

Current Account

  • Current Accounts can be opened by individuals, partnership firms, private and public limited companies, HUFs /specified associates, trusts, etc.
  • As required by law, while opening this account, we satisfy ourselves about the identity, including verification of address, of a person(s) seeking to open an account to assist in protecting the right of customer(s) and ourselves against fraud and other misuses of the banking system.
  • We also require to obtain two recent photographs of the person(s) opening/operating the account, as per RBI directives.
  • We are required to obtain eitherAadhaar as ID/Address proof or other OVD as ID/Address Proof along with Permanent Account Number (PAN) or alternatively obtain declaration in Form No. 60 or 61 as per the Income Tax Act (vide Section 139 A) from the person(s) opening the account. (i.e. including partners of Registered/Unregistered partnership as also Registered / Incorporated bodies / companies).
  • We provide to our prospective customers details of the documents/required for identification of the person(s) opening the account in addition to a satisfactory introduction.
  • Minimum balance as stipulated from time to time is required to be maintained and no interest is paid on credit balances kept in current account.

Services charges are levied for:

  • Ledger folio used
  • Cheque Books issued
  • Non-maintenance of minimum balance.
  • Return of cheques etc.
  • Other facilities as required by the Current Account Customer.

For opening special types of current accounts i.e. for Executors Administrators, Trustees, Liquidators, TRA etc., the Branch Manager may directly be contacted for more information and assistance thereon

As per RBI directives, the applicant (i.e. account opener) should declare in the account opening form or separately that he is not enjoying any Credit facility with any Bank and if he does enjoy any facility/facilities he should declare full particulars therefore indicating the name of the Bank and name of the Branch, where from he has availed these facilities.

Term Deposit Accounts

  • We have tailored various deposit schemes to suit the needs and expectations for investing in every walk of life, which are prominently displayed at our branches for your convenience. We welcome you to seek more details and shall also be glad to assist in the area of investment in various deposit schemes vis-a-vis your requirement
  • Term Deposit accounts can be opened by individuals (including in the name of minor), partnership firms, private and public limited companies Trusts, HUFs/specified associates, etc.
  • As required by law, while opening this account, we satisfy ourselves about the identity, including verification of address, of a person(s) seeking to open an account, to assist in protecting the prospective customer(s), members of the public and ourselves against fraud and other misuses of the banking system.
  • We are required to obtain either Aadhaar as ID/Address proof or other OVD as ID/Address Proof along with Permanent Account Number (PAN) or alternatively obtain declaration in Form No. 60 or 61 as per the Income Tax Act (vide Section 139 A) from the person(s) opening the account
  • Premature withdrawals are allowed, unless specified otherwise, at the rate applicable to the amount and period for which the deposit remained with the Bank and not at the contracted rate, subject to penalty, if any prescribed by the Bank. No interest will be paid on premature withdrawals of deposit which has remained with the Bank for less than 7 days. For more details of interest rates, please contact our Branch Manager.
  • Generally loans/overdrafts against deposits are allowed, except on Certificates of Deposit (CD). Such loans are sanctioned by charging interest at rates directed by RBI from time to time or as prescribed by the Bank and automatic renewal of FDRs are also available. Interest on overdue deposit is paid at Saving Bank Interest rate, if the deposit is not renewed within 14 days from the date of maturity of the deposit.
  • Interest on deposits is payable either monthly at discounted value or quarterly or compounded quarterly (i.e. reinvestment of interest) or on the date of maturity at the option of the depositor as applicable under particular deposit scheme.
  • Interest on Bank deposit is exempted from Income Tax upto a limit, specified by Income Tax authorities from time to time, as per Govt. norms.
  • We accept the declaration in Form No. 15 H/ 15 G preferably at the commencement of the financial year for receiving interest on deposits without deduction of tax.
  • We issue TDS Certificate for tax deducted, within time schedule as per law.
  • Transfer of funds on maturity of terms deposits as well as periodical interest on such deposits to another branch of the Bank is done at par.

Capital Gain Scheme - The Tax Saver Scheme


Exemption of Capital Gain Tax under Section 54B, 54D, 54F and 54G of I.T. Act, 1961 is available on amount deposited under Account 'A' (Saving Deposit) and/or Account 'B' (Term Deposit) with option to keep deposit on cumulative or non-cumulative basis at Branches.

Payment Of Balance In Accounts Of The Deceased Customers To Survivors / Claimants 

As directed by the RBI, we do not insist on succession certificate from legal heirs in accounts having survivorship / nominee irrespective of amount involved

Standing Instructions 

Standing instructions can be given to the Bank for transfer/remittance of funds from one account to other account(s) maintained in the same Branch, any other Branch of the bank or any other Bank or any other third party which may attract applicable charges.

Safe Deposit Lockers

The facility of Safe Deposit Lockers is an ancillary service offered by our Bank. The Branches offering this facility will indicate/display this information at a prominent place.

The major aspects governing the services are :

  • A locker may be hired by an individual (not minor) firms, private ltd/ limited companies/Trust, specified associations and societies etc.
  • Nomination facility is available to individual hirer of Safe Deposit locker.
  • Loss of key should be immediately informed to the Branch and customer will be charged for break-opening of the Locker. Lockers are available in different sizes.
  • Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year .The rent of one year shall be collected in advance as per bank's policy. In case of overdue rent, the Bank will charge penalty as decided from time to time.
  • With standing instruction, the rent may be paid from the deposit account of the hirer.
  • We will issue locker only to the person, who is maintaining any operative account with us (owing to implementation of CBS system for Locker Module.)
  • We reserve our right to break open the locker if the rent is not paid inspite of giving notices as per the Bank rules and recover charges thereof.
Lockers Scheme
Articles in Safe Custody 

Articles like shares, securities, etc., can be kept in safe custody with the Bank on prescribed charges wherever such facility is offered. Large/small boxes must be locked by the customer(s) and particulars must be written/painted thereon. The lock should be covered by stout and sealed with the customer's seal. Relationship of Banker and customer shall be that of Bailer & Bailee


Nomination facility is available for all deposit accounts, articles in safe custody and safe deposit vaults.

Nomination is available for accounts opened in individual capacity (i.e. single/joint accounts as well as accounts of a sole proprietary concern) only i.e. not for accounts opened in representative capacity.

Nomination can be done in favour of one person only. However, nomination in favour of more than one person (i.e. upto 2 persons) is permissible in jointly operated locker accounts with common consent.

Nomination can be made, cancelled or varied by the account holder anytime during his/her lifetime. While making nomination, cancellation or variation all account holders should sign the request.

Nomination can be made in favour of a minor also

For the existing accounts, where nomination is not made, the account holder(s) can do so by filling up form available with the Branches.

Customers (new as well as existing) are requested to avail nomination facility, if they have not availed said facility so far.

Pension Payments 
Pension is credited to individual customer accounts online directly through CPPC. All changes in pension payment parameters including arrears of DA etc. are also done centrally and arrears are calculated by CPPC.
Advantage to Pensioner
As pension process is computerized, pensioner gets accurate and timely pension within the time framework specified by Govt. However delay in receipt of instructions from Pension Paying Authority on DA revision, payment and / or restoration of commutation etc. and in calculation thereof is also eliminated/minimized.
Categories of Pensioners Catered By Us
  • Central Civil
  • Railway
  • Defence
  • Telecom
  • Postal
Extended benefits to pensioners by Punjab & Sind Bank
  • Pension slip from the pension paying branch.
  • SMS alert on mobile phone with pension payment details.
  • Annual statement of pension from branch.
  • Quick grievance redressal system.
  • Acceptance of form 15(G)/15(H) at Branch Office. 

Exemptions: Exemptions of minimum balance, incidental charges, withdrawal of pension by withdrawal form to the pensioner's dependent are available.

Remittance Service 

Customers may remit funds from one centre to another centre by Demand Draft or RTGS/NEFT etc. by paying specified charges as per the Bank's rules.

Demand Drafts, RTGS and NEFT for Rs. 50,000/- and above will be issued by the Banks only by debiting the Customer's account or against cheques or other instruments tendered by the purchaser and not against cash payment. Similarly such payments for Rs. 50,000/- and above will be made through banking channels and not in cash. Bank shall not make payment of cheques/ draft/ pay orders/ banker’s cheques, if they are presented beyond the period of three months from the date of such instrument.

Draft Without Receipt of Non-Payment Advice 

As directed by the RBI, we will issue duplicate demand draft upto Rs. 5000/- on the basis of adequate indemnity and without obtaining Non-Payment Advice from the drawee Branch.

Issuance of Duplicate Fixed Deposit Receipt in Lieu of lost FDR 

Duplicate FDR shall be issued by home branch after following due diligence and obtaining indemnity bonds & undertaking from the customers.

Cheque Collection Service 

Policy on collection of cheques payable locally

The Customer's account shall be credited in respect of local cheques deposited at the counters / dropped in drop boxes within the time indicated for local clearing, on the same day when the banks account is credited in the clearing house. Each branch would specify its own cut-off time depending upon its working hours and distance from the clearing house.

The branch may permit usage of the shadow credit afforded to the customer accounts immediately after closure of relative return clearing, subject to usualsafeguards.

Policy of compensation on Delayed collection

The bank will pay interest to its customers on delayed collection as applicable on saving bank deposit for the delayed period beyond the prescribed period i.e 7/10/14 days as the case may be . Such interest shall be paid without demand from the customers in all types of accounts.

Procedure for handling the dishonoured cheques or lost in transit

In the event of a cheque or an instrument is accepted for collection; is lost in transit or in clearing process or at the paying bank's branch, the bank shall immediately on coming to know of the loss, will bring the same to the notice of account holder so that the account holder can inform the drawer to stop the payment of cheque and also take care that cheques may not be cleared. The bank would pay interest at saving bank rate if the notice of the cheque / instrument having been lost is given after the maximum prescribed period for the collection of outstation cheques i.e 7/10/14 days, as applicable. Such interest will be paid for the number of days the delay occurred in giving notice to the customer beyond these prescribed 7/10/14 days as applicable.

Force Majeure

The Bank shall not be liable to compensate customer for delayed credit if some unforeseen event (including but not limited to civil commotion , sabotage, lockout, strike or other labour disturbances , accident ,fires, natural disaster or other " Acts of GOD's; , war damage to the bank's facilities or of its correspondent bank(s), absence of the usual means of communication or all types of transportation etc.) beyond the control of the bank prevents it from performing its obligations within the specified service delivery parameters

Facility of Immediate credit of cheques sent for collection local and outstation.

The instant credit of outstation / local cheques are permitted only up to Rs. 5000/-, subject to usual safeguards as conveyed earlier for permitting such credit, which are as under

  • Bank should be satisfied about the proper conduct of the account of customer.
  • The Bank will extend the facility to all individual depositors without making a distinction about their status i.e Saving Bank , Current or Cash credit.
  • The Bank will not lay any separate stipulation for minimum balance for extending the facility.
  • The facility is also to be allowed to the customers at the Bank’s Extension Counters subject to usual precautions taken by the banks.
  • The handling charges for local cheques and outstation cheques will be as per Service Charges of the bank.
  • In case where the instrument of face value exceeding Rs. 5,000/- is received for clearing and the proceeds of the instrument are credited to the account, in whatever manner, in advance of the date or actual realization of the account, interest at the stipulated rate (in addition to the usual service charges prescribed by the Bank), shall also be charged for the period for which outlay of funds is involved.
  • If cheques / instrument for which immediate credit has been afforded is returned unpaid bank shall recover interest at clean overdraft rate for the period bank remained out of funds and recover prescribed cheque returned charges subject to the following
    • No interest will be charged to the customer for the period between the date of credit of the outstation cheque lodged and its return, unless the bank had remained out of funds on account of withdrawal of funds
    • Bank will charge interest from the date of return of the cheque till reimbursement of money to the bank.
    • Where the cheque is credited to a Saving Bank Account, no interest will be payable on the amount so credited if the cheque is returned.
    • If the proceeds are credited in overdraft / Loan account, interest would be recovered at applicable rate on the amount of returned cheque / instrument.
Collection under  Govt. Business 

The Bank handles collection of various Direct and Indirect Taxes such as Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Service Tax, Excise duty and GST.

  • Presently there are 279 Branches which are authorized for collection of Direct Taxes.  Direct Taxes can be paid through Cash or Cheque and also online through Internet Banking.
  • Indirect Tax such as Service Tax and Central Excise Duty can be paid using Internet Banking facility.
  •  All branches are authorized for collection of GST which can be paid in Cash, Cheque same bank/other bank, Demand Draft same bank/other bank, NEFT/RTGS or online through Internet Banking.

The Bank also provides for collection of various Govt. Small Savings Schemes such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS) and Sukanya Samridhi Yojana. 

As per guidelines received from Ministry of Finance, all branches of the Bank are now authorized for collection in Govt. Small Savings Schemes such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), Sukanya Samridhi Account (SSA) and Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS).

These Small Savings schemes are implemented by National Savings Institute (NSI), under Ministry of Finance. Patrons are requested to visit their site for latest instructions regarding these schemes.

List of Authorised direct taxes collection branches under OLTAS

Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins 
  • We issue fresh / good quality Notes and Coins of all denominations on demand.
  • We exchange soiled / mutilated / defective Notes.
  • We accept Coins and Notes either for transactions or exchange.
  • Sufficient coins are available for the customer / general public.
  • if the banknote tendered here is found to be counterfeit, an acknowledgement receipt will be issued to the tenderer, after stamping the note. "COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTE".
Interest on Deposits 

For your convenience, the prevailing rates on deposits are displayed prominently at each branch, which are subject to revision from time to time.

Interest Rates
Service Charges 

We provide various services to customers, for which service charges are levied. The charges are reviewed/revised from time to time.

Revision / Rationalization Of Service Charges in the Bank
Foreign Exchange Control Matters 

1.Form A2 cum declaration ( Under FEMA-99):

a) For effecting current account remittances not exceeding USD 250000, only a simple letter is required from the applicant containing the basic information, viz., names and the addresses of the applicant and the beneficiary, amount to be remitted and the purpose of the remittance. However, this is subject to the condition that the payment is made by a cheque drawn on the applicant's bank account or by a demand draft.

b)Modified A2 Form ( model application cum undertaking ) introduced for Liberalized Remittance Scheme of USD 2,50,000 for resident individuals per financial year

2) In List of specialized branches, all Foreign Exchange Authorized Dealer Branches including IBDs be mentioned.

List of Specialized Branches

International Banking Division (IBD) Branches:

Our Specialised Branches 

Name and addresses of all our specialized branches are given in VI at the last.

Check List Requirements for Availing Different Credit Facilities 
Important Loan Schemes of The Bank 

We have the attractive loan schemes suitable to different segment of customers. The details of important loan scheme of our bank are given in IV at the last.

Payment of Interest on Deposit Maturing on a Holiday 

When due date of a term deposit happens to be a holiday or a non-business working day, then you are paid interest for the intervening holiday/non-business working day.

Concessions to Religious, Welfare, Service, Charitable Institutions 

Collection of instruments favouring religious, welfare, service and charitable institutions is done at par. Issue of drafts, pay orders of these institutions is done at par. However, postage is recovered, institutions exempted from payment of Income Tax are only eligible.

Concessions to Defence Personnel 

Concessions are extended to Defence Personnel in active service only. Collection of outstation cheques/drafts, etc., as well as issue of drafts, pay-orders, mail-telegraphic transfers in their account is done at par but postage is recovered.

Concession to Blind, Physically Handicapped, Disabled Individuals and Institutions set up for their benefit 

Institutions set up for the benefit of blind, physically handicapped and disabled individuals are allowed, collection of up-country instruments at par. Similarly, payments made by these institutions to their own beneficiaries by way of drafts, NEFT/RTGS are allowed, free of charge. However, postage cost is recoverable. These institutions to be eligible for concessions should be exempted from levy of Income Tax.

The individual accounts of the above categories of persons are identified by the Branch Managers at the time of opening the accounts, banking services such as issue of drafts, NEFT/RTGStransfers are rendered to the debit of the personal account only and not against Cash, Postage expenses are however recovered separately.

Senior Citizens 

Additional Interest and Incentives are available for Senior Citizens. The Bank has special schemes for the Senior Citizens, As of now, the Bank is offering extra rate of interest of 0.50% with maturity period 180 days and above. They can also avail free facility of collection / remittance of funds upto certain limit, latest details are available with the branches of the Bank.

FDs account of Senior Citizen are automatically converted into Senior Citizen status on the date of attaining 60 year of age as per the Date of Birth available in CBS.

Free Cheque Books 

For Saving Bank Accounts of individuals, 30 cheque leaves free of charge in a calendar year shall be supplied. A service charges in terms of per leaf shall be levied for cheque books supplied over and above the aforesaid limit.Service charges are subject to change without notice. Senior Citizen Customers are given cheque books free of cost irrespective of number of cheque books.

Corruption Free Service 

We will provide all the services and honour the commitment to the clients without payment of any bribe.

Transfer of accounts in The Bank 

If deposit account is transferred within the bank from one Branch to another and there is continuity in the account, then interest is payable for the transit period as well.

Fair Banking Practices 

We request you as our customers to please note the following duties to enable us to serve you better.

  • Ensure safe custody of cheque book and pass book.
  • Preferably use reverse carbon while writing a cheque.
  • Issue crossed/account payee cheques as far as possible.
  • Check the details of the cheque, namely, date, amount in words and figures, crossing, etc., before issuing it. As far as possible, issue cheques are rounding off the amount to nearest rupee.
  • Not to issue cheque without adequate balance, maintain minimum balance as specified by the Bank.
  • Send cheques and other financial instruments by Registered Post or by courier.
  • Bring pass book while withdrawing cash from Saving Bank account through withdrawal slip. Get pass book updated from time to time.
  • Use nomination facility in all deposits accounts & locker facility.
  • Note down account numbers, details of FDR, locker numbers, etc., separately.
  • Inform change of address, telephone number etc., to the Branch.
  • Inform loss of demand draft, fixed deposit receipt, cheque leave(s) /book, key of locker, etc., immediately to the Branch.
  • Avail standing instructions facility to repeat transactions.
  • Provide feedback on our service.
  • Pay interest, installments, locker rent and other dues on time.
  • Avail services such as ATM cum Debit Card, Mobile Banking, PSB BHIM (UPI), Net Banking etc. as offered by the branch.
  • Bring any deficiency in services to the notice of the Branch Manager.
  • Not to sign blank cheque(s). So also do not record your specimen signature either on pass book or on cheque book.
  • Not to bribe any staff member, to avail corruption free service.
Redressal of Complaints/Grievances 

"Customer Day” is observed at all the Offices of the Bank across the Organization covering Branches, Zonal Offices and Head Office on 15th of every month ( next day, if 15th is a holiday). On this day, any customer can meet Senior/ Top Executives of the Bank, including Chairman & Managing Director without prior appointment.

In case of any complaint, the matter may first be brought to the notice of concerned Branch Manager for immediate redressal. If the complaint is not redressed to the satisfaction of the customer, the matter may be taken up with the Zonal Manager.

If the complainant still feels unsatisfied with the response received, he can address his complaint giving full detail of the case to Bank's Nodal Officer at Head Office designated to deal with Customers Complaints/ Grievances. The customer can lodge/ track complaint online at the link “Complaint registration” on Bank's website.

Internal Ombudsman 

The Bank shall examine the grievances as per the Internal Grievances Redressal Mechanism and in case the Bank decides to reject a complaint or decides to provide only partial relief to the complainant, it shall escalate such cases to the Internal Ombudsman (IO) for further examination.

Reply to the complainant on receipt of comments of the IO shall be addressed primarily by the Bank mentioning explicitly that the complaint has also been examined by the IO. Only under such circumstances, where a resolution has been made by agreement by the IO with a complainant and the IO has obtained the resolution in writing signed by the complainant and furnished to the Bank for records, a reply to the complainant would be issued by IO on behalf of the Bank, with an endorsement to the Bank. To ensure such agreement, if the IO feels the requirement of direct feedback/ clarifications from the complainant, IO can interact/ meet the complainant.

If still not satisfied, the customer is free to take recourse to the followings:

  • Offices under the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 Click here for details

     RBI has laid down a cost free grievance redress mechanism under RB-IOS which does not involve payment of fees or charges in any form or manner. Customers having grievances against REs for deficiency in services, which is not redressed satisfactorily or in a timely manner by the REs can directly lodge their complaint on the Complaint Management System (CMS) portal ( or in physical mode at the ‘Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre’ (CRPC) set up at RBI, 4th Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh - 160017.

    Link for complaint lodging portal of the Ombudsman is

    Click here for clarification on the mode of receipt of complaints under the scheme

  • Directorate of Public Grievances, Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Sansad Marg, New Delhi.
  • Distt. Consumer Forum, under Consumer Protection Act, 1985,
Mechanism for identification of Wilful Defaulters 
  • (a) The evidence of wilful default by the defaulted borrowing company and its promoter/whole-time director at the relevant time should be examined by a Committee headed by an Executive Director and consisting of two other senior officers of the rank of GM/ DGM. Further, GM (A) and GM (L&R) shall be other members of the committee.
  • (b) If the Committee concludes that an event of wilful default has occurred, it shall issue a Show Cause Notice to the concerned borrower and the promoter/whole-time director and call for their submissions and after considering their submissions issue an order recording the fact of wilful default and the reasons for the same. An opportunity should be given to the borrower and the promoter/whole-time director for a personal hearing if the Committee feels such an opportunity is necessary.
  • (c) The Order of the Committee should be reviewed by another Committee headed by the Chairman / CEO and MD and consisting, in addition, of two independent directors of the Bank and the Order shall become final only after it is confirmed by the said Review Committee.
Annexure I 

Matters relating to customer service as given in Citizens Charter and for all complaint against working of branches, please contact the followings: Redressal of Grievances of Customers.



Smt. Rasmita Kwatra
Designation: General Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank, 
6th Floor, 21, Rajendra Place, New Delhi 110008
Landline: 011-25726359
email id: PNO[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


Sh. Agam Kumar
Designation: Chief Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank,
1st Floor, 21,Rajendra Place,
New Delhi -110008
Landline: 011-25728966
email id: ho[dot]complaint[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


In case of complaints related to Digital Banking (PSB UnIC, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, UPI, BHIM, etc.) only, the same can be sent to

Grievance Redressal Cell – Digital Banking (PSB UnIC, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, UPI, BHIM, etc.)

Name: Sh. Sudip Kumar Sahoo
Designation: Asstt. General Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank,
HO Digital Banking Department
B-38/39,Block B, Industrial Area Phase I
Naraina, New Delhi-110028
Telephone No: 011-43044787
Email: ho[dot]dbd[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


In case of complaints related to Cyber Fraud same can be sent to

Name: Sh. Anil Kumar
Designation: Chief Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank,
HO RTTS Cell, Rajendra Place
New Delhi-110028
Telephone No: 011-25767381
Email: rtts[dot]cybercell[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in

  • The details must include:
  • 1.Copy of Cyber police Complaint/FIR
  • 2.Details of the Transactions

Click Here for Instructions for Online lodgment of Complaints

In case of complaints related to Education Loans only, the same can be sent to


Name: Sh  N.Binu Jones
Designation: Asstt. General Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank, “Bank House”
H.O. Retail Lending Department
1st Floor, Block 3, NBCC Complex, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi
Telephone No:011-40175100
Email: ho[dot]retail-lending[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in

In case of complaints related to Forex only, the same can be sent to: Grievances Redressal Cell – Forex

Grievance Redressal Cell – Forex

Name: Sh. Pankaj Shukla
Designation: Asstt. General Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank, “Bank House”
H.O. Foreign Exchange Department
4th Floor, 21, Rajendra Place, New Delhi
Telephone No:011-25850059
Email: ho[dot]fex[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in

In case of complaints related to ATMs only, the same can be sent to:


Name: Mohammad Asad
Designation: Sr. Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank, 
H.O. ATM Cell
2nd Floor,Plot No. 151 Sector-44,Institutional Area, Gurugram
Telephone No:0124-2544106-107
Email: atmcell[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


In case of complaints related to pension only, the same can be sent to: Grievance Redressal Cell – Pension


Name: Sh. Motilal Kotarya
Designation: Asst. General Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank,
HO. Pension Cell
First Floor, 21 Bank House, Rajendra Place,
New Delhi – 110008
Telephone No:011-25862431, 25757802
Email: cppc[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


In case of complaints related to Corruption/Bribe etc. same can be sent to

The Chief Vigilance Officer
Punjab & Sind Bank,
3rd Floor, Plate-B, Office Block-III
NBCC Complex, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi-110023.
Contact Nos. 011-40175106

Email: cvo[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in


In case of complaints related to Digital Lending same can be sent to

Name: Sh.VInni Kureel
Designation: Chief Manager
Punjab & Sind Bank,
HO LOS Department
Telephone No:011-41435969
Email: ho[dot]los[at]psb[dot]co[dot]in

Annexure II 
Annexure III 
Annexure IV 

Important Loan Schemes of The Bank

1. Credit Facilities for Agriculturists : There are number of credit schemes to meet the various credit needs of farmers available at all general banking branches. Some of the Schemes are as under. -

PSB Kisan Credit Card: PSB KCC Scheme aims at providing adequate and timely credit support to meet short term credit requirement, post-harvest expenses to all farmers including SHGs & JLGs for their cultivation & other needs.

PSB Tractor Finance & Tractor Welfare Fund Scheme:Bank has adopted a very liberal policy for Tractor Financing. A farmer cultivating a minimum of 2.5 Acres of irrigated agricultural land is eligible for a tractor loan, repayable in equated half yearly installments over a period of upto 9 years.

*PSB Scheme for Boosting Farm Machanization: Any farmer having minimum 2 to 5 acre perennially irrigated agricultural land is eligible for loan to purchase Power tillers/ threshers/Reapers/ Tractor/ sprayer/laser land leveller/bulldozers/ JCBs/ Well Boring/ Combine Harvester as well as for its repair/renovation.
*PSB Kisan Suvidha Scheme :An Individual farmer/ joint borrower who are existing Kisan Credit Card (KCC) holders are eligible for additional investment credit for agriculture purposes. Rs 50,000/- per acre of owned land with maximum of Rs.5 Lakh.
*PSB Scheme of Financing Two Wheeler/Jeep/Car/ SUV For Farmers
Though two wheelers/Jeep/Car/SUV are not directly engaged in farming operation but they have good use for a farmer in timely sourcing of various farm inputs and disposing of farm produce. Hence, financing is available.  
*• PSB Scheme for Financing Agriculture Seed Processing Units:In this scheme credit provided for establishing Agriculture Seed Processing Units as per MPBF. Both term loan as well as working capital facilities are available under the scheme.

*PSB Scheme on Financing Food and Agro Processing Units :Any individual or group of individuals/producers group/ organization/ institution which are dependent upon agriculture/allied/marine produce are eligible for finance under the scheme except Rice Shellers. Both Funded and non-funded credit facilities are available to agro and food processing units.

*PSB Policy For Financing Rice Shellers:The advances to Rice Shellers may be for term loans, working capital and/or export finance. Adequate and timely working capital is made available to Rice Shellers. An ODP limit of upto Rs.2 crore is allowed under the scheme.

*PSB Agri-Produce Pledge Loan (against warehouse receipt) Scheme :Farmers (Individual and group/associations of Farmers i.e. SHGs/JLGs/FPOs), individuals or groups engaged in agricultural allied activities, food and agro processing units, food grain dealers/commission agents/millers are eligible for loan against pledge of agri - produce (eNWR) upto 75% of the value of farm produce.

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM):   An urban poor individual beneficiary and a Self Help Group (SHG) or members of an SHG constituted under DAY-NULM or a group of urban poor desirous of setting up an individual micro-enterprise for self-employment can avail benefit of subsidized loan under this component from any bank. The Maximum unit Project Cost for individual micro-enterprises cases is Rs. 2, 00,000 (Rs. Two Lakh) and the Maximum unit Project Cost for a group finance for enterprise is Rs.10, 00,000 (Rs. Ten Lakh).

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM): Under this scheme, Self Help Group consisting of 10 to 20 members can be benefited. All women SHGs will be eligible for interest subvention on credit upto Rs.3 lakhs at 7% per annum and prompt payee accounts will also be eligible for the additional interest subvention of 3%. The amount of loan is given as per cost prescribed by NABARD. Repayment of loan in 5 to 9 years.

Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP):-  This scheme aims to provide generation of employment opportunities through establishment of micro enterprises in rural as well as urban areas. Any individual above 18 years of age and having minimum passing qualification of Std. VIII is eligible under the scheme. The maximum margin money subsidy is 25% under General category and 35% for Special category (including SC / ST / OBC /Minorities/ Women, Ex-servicemen, Physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. The scheme is being operational through online mode only (through e-Portal of PMEGP) w.e.f 01.07.2016.

Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Scheme:

This scheme is to assist poorest of the poor so as to bring them above BPL. An Individual whose family income does not exceeds Rs. 18,000/- P.A. in rural areas and Rs. 24,000/- p.a. in Urban/semi urban areas is eligible to avail the loan. The Maximum limit under the scheme for loan is Rs.15, 000/- and the limit for the housing loan is Rs.20, 000/- per beneficiary @4%% p.a.

PSB Mortgage Loan, PSB Vyapar Loan & PSB SME Liquid plus Loan Schemes:  Under these schemes credit facilities against the mortgage of property is made available to the business concerns at attractive terms.


A check List Requirements for Availing Different Credit Facilities

Annexure V 
Annexure VI 

List of Specialized Branches

International Banking Division (IBD) Branches:


Special Assets Recovery Branches (ARB)

  • ARB, New Delhi, 4th Floor, Bank House, 21-Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110 008.
  • ARB - Kolkatta, 72 Asthutosh Mukherji Road, Kolkatta-700 025
  • ARB - Amritsar, 1st Floor, Sharif Pura, Amritsar-143 001
  • ARB - Chandigarh, SCO NO. 62, Sector 26, Chandigarh
  • ARB, Chennai,
  • ARB, Hyderabad

Corporate Banking Branch

  • CBB Mumbai
  • CBB New Delhi

Hire Purchase, Leasing & Finance Branches

HP Leasing & Fin. Chikamberpur, Yuvraj Complex, Delhi-UP Border, Distt. Ghaziabad.


Specialized Personal Banking Branches

  • SPB  Panchkulla, SCF-251, Sector-16, Panchkulla (Haryana).
  • SPB Patiala, SCO-2, Commercial Complex, Kheri Gujran Road, Officer Colony, Patiala-147 001.
  • SPB Ludhiana, 88-Green Field, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana-141 002.
  • SPB  Bhopal, 90, M.P. Nagar, Zone-II, Bhopal-462 011.
  • SPB  Mohali, SCO-14, Phase-X, SAS Nagar, Mohali Distt. Ropar.
  • SPB, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
  • Woman Entrepreneur Branch:-MT SM College, Ludhiana

New Internet Banking Solution



PSB UniC Digital Banking Solution


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