
Timelines for Credit Decisions

Timelines for Sanction of Loans/Advance

I. Timelines for Loan applications upto Rs. 2.00 lac

Particulars B.O. Level# Z.O. Level##
Fresh/ enhancement proposal 10 days 10 days
Renewal/reviewal proposal 07 days 07 days
Adhoc 05 days 05 days

#(from the date of entering loan proposal in the loan proposal register)
## (from the date of receipt of the proposal from BO)

II. Timelines for Loan applications more than Rs.2.00 lac:

A. Timelines for Loan applications more than Rs.2.00 lac but upto Rs 25 Lacs other than Micro & Small enterprises (MSE):

Particulars Export and Non Export Credit*
Fresh/ enhancement proposal 21 days
Renewal/ reviewal proposal 15 days
Adhoc 05 days

* from the date of receipt of the loan proposal/ application at BO, completed in all respects along with requisite information

B. Credit Limits above Rs 25 Lacs to other than MSE borrowers (except Consortium/ JLA/ JLF/ HO level cases) :

Proposal for Export* Non-export*
fresh/ enhancement 30 days 45 days
Renewal 21 days 30 days
Adhoc 07 days 07 days

* from the date of receipt of the loan proposal/ application at BO, completed in all respects along with requisite information

C. Timelines for loan applications falling under Consortium/ JLA/ JLF/ HO level cases, other than MSE:

Particulars Consortium/ JLA/ JLF/ HO level up to level of CAC headed by CMD
  Export* Non-export*
Fresh/ enhancement proposal 45 days 60 days
Renewal/ reviewal proposal 30 days 45 days
Adhoc 15 days 30 days

*from the date of receipt of the loan proposal/ application at BO, completed in all respects along with requisite information

III. Timelines for sanction of all loan applications for MSE units (As per guidelines issued by H.O. Priority Sector Deptt.) :

Upto Rs. 5 lakh 2 weeks
above Rs. 5 lakh and upto 25 lakh 3 weeks
above Rs.25 lakh 6 weeks

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