
PSB Apna Vahan

1. Purpose

For purchase of New & Old Four Wheeler Vehicles and New Two Wheeler Vehicles

2. Eligibility

Individuals as well as business concerns (Corporate or non-corporate).


3. Age limit


Minimum :18 years


Maximum: Subject to adjustment of loan for Individuals / Prop. before the age of:


Service class non pension   – 60 years

Service class with pension  –  70 years

Others                               ­­­­     –  70 years


In case any younger Co-borrower (spouse / major children / brother/ daughter-in-law) is proposed having 50% or more contribution towards IIR (Installment to income ratio), the eligibility criterion w.r.t. age of the younger Co-borrower may be considered.


4. Quantum of loan:



New Vehicle – Need Based

Old Vehicle – 75.00 Lac

5. Margin


  1. For New Vehicle- Applicable margin of on-road price inclusive of one time Road Tax, Registration & Insurance, shall be as under:
  1. All customers- 10%
  2.  Govt/PSU employee- 5%
  3.  Govt/PSU employee where salary A/c with our Bank- NIL


  1. For old four wheeler  - 25%

6. Rate of Interest


Please click here For rate of interest

7. Processing fee

Four Wheeler Loan: 0.25% on the loan amount, subject to minimum of Rs.1000.00 and maximum of Rs.15000.00

Two wheeler Loan: 0.25% on the loan amount, subject to minimum of Rs.1000.00.


8. Repayment




For new four wheeler vehicles: Max. 84 months.


For new two wheeler vehicles:  Max. 36 months.


For old four wheeler:  Max. 60 months subject to the age of the vehicle (total period of Repayment plus age of vehicle not to exceed 84 months)*





9. Security


Hypothecation of vehicle.





Actual Stamp/ Revenue expenses only.


11.Prepayment Charges


No foreclosure charges/pre-payment penalties for individual borrowers (including sole proprietorships). In case of loan takeover of corporate borrowers, prepayment charge @ 1% on outstanding balance.


12. Inspection Charges:



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“Compare and Shop is a Service provided by Cheggout Services Pvt Ltd for Punjab and Sind Bank customer(s). Punjab & Sind Bank is providing this as a value added service. Punjab and Sind Bank does not guarantee or warranty or make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the product/service and/or discount or benefit.”

