Whether applicable or not (Y/N)
If applicable, whether enclosed or not (Y/N)
Loan Application in the prescribed Form
Audited Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account for last 3 years in case of
existing units
Tax Audit Report for last 3 years
Copies of Income Tax / wealth Tax / Sales Tax / Excise Duty Assessment
Order (or Returns or payment Receipt) for last 3 years
Projected Balance Sheet for the
- Next 2 years in case of newly established entities
- Next year in case of renewal / reviewal of existing entities.
Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA) Data on the prescribed proforma - Working Capital has been assessed by Permissible Bank Finance method and DSR (in case of Term Loan)
In case the property is to be taken as security / collateral security
- Legal Opinion / Index Inspection from legal counsel
- Valuation Certificate from approved valuer
- Valuation Report of Branch Manager & Accountant
- Visit Report
In case of Ltd. companya)
- Memorandum & Article of Association
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Certificate of commencement of business (for Public Limited Company only)
- Certified Copy of latest list of Directors
- Resolution authorizing the company for bank borrowing
- Certificate of Registration of Charge from Registrar of Companies in case of existing facilities availed
- A Certificate from statutory auditors of the company that the company has not defaulted in payment of interest / principal to small depositors (deposit less than 20000/-) and that the company has complied with the provision of section 58AA of the companies Act 1956.
- Names and shareholdings of major shareholders.
In case of Trust -
- Trust Deed
- Resolution for the borrowing
In case of Cooperative societies
- By-laws
- Permission from Registrar of Societies for proposed borrowings
- Resolution for the borrowing, creation of charge on assets of the society
In case the borrower has allied concerns
- Balance Sheet, P&L A/c, Manufacturing / Trading account
- Income Tax / Wealth Tax assessment orders
- Details of borrowings of borrower and group from Banking system
Partners / Guarantors / directors etc.
- Credit Report from present bankers
- IT / Wealth Tax Assessment Orders for the last 3 years (only for the previous year in case of renewal/reviewal)
- Asset and Liability statement/ Net Wort Certificate
Confidential Report from the existing bankers of the borrower
NOC received from the existing bankers of the borrower
NOC from financial Institution / Banks for ceding pari-passu charge in favour of the bank
Credit / Opinion Report (Market Report) on the borrower
Copies of permission from competent authorities like Pollution Control Board / Municipal Corporation etc.
In case of renewal, copy of latest renewal / sanction
In case of existing borrowal accounts
- Whether the party / sister concern is a defaulter in repayment of dues to the Bank & Rebate has been allowed earlier in any case (If yes, attach details with the proposal)
- Whether Insurance Policies are alive and securities are properly insured & mortgage charged to Bank
- Changes in management since last sanction.
Yes/ No
Yes/ No
Yes/ No
In case of term loans for construction / alteration etc
- Approved plan
- Architects estimate for the construction / alteration of the building
- NOC from the competent authority for mortgage / equitable mortgage of land / building in case of lease hold property.
In case of Letter of Credit facility
- Copy of valid permit / import license for goods imported
- IEC No., in case of imports.
- Related contract between buyer & seller in case of import of capital goods.
In case of Bill Discounting –
- List of Drawee(s)
- Banker’s opinion / Report from External agency on drawee
In case of manufacturing units
- Project Report along with implementation schedule
- Industrial Licenses
- SSI Registration Certificate
- Power sanction letter from the Electricity Department.
Valuation Certificate in case of old machinery to be taken as primary /collateral security
In case of manufacturing units, report of Technical officer
Pre lending Visit report of BM / Official of ZO / ZM
In case of Bank Guarantee
- Proforma of Bank Guarantee, if the beneficiary insist for bank guarantee on a proforma other than Banks own model Bank Guarantee form
- Copies of primary contracts
- BM’s site visit Report in case of performance Bank Guarantee
- Deferred Payment schedule in the case of Deferred payment Guarantee
In case of partnership concerns/ Limited Liability Partnership –
- Partnership deed
- Registration Certificate issued by Registrar of firms
CIBIL Report of all promoters / directors / guarantors
- Confirmation that the promoters / directors / guarantors are not in the defaulters’ list of ECGC / RBI / CIBIL
Compliance of KYC norms
Lending under Consortium / Multiple Banking
- Minutes of last lenders’ meeting
- Confirmation that the Common Loan Agreement / Security Documents have been vetted by Lenders Independent Legal Counsel
- Lenders Independent Engineers Report on status of the project giving specific comments on physical progress (status of implementation) vis-à-vis projected schedule
- In case of delay in implementation of project the reason for the delay and measures initiated
- Details of Security Trustee (name & address), Certificate of Creation of Security & copy of registration with ROC
- Joint Inspection Report / Unit Visit Report of lenders
- Status of pending approvals if any
External Rating (if available)
Succession plan of management
Undertaking with regard to non-withdrawal of unsecured loans from business
Sales/ Profit figures up to last quarter