
Gold Card Scheme For Exporters

Gold Card Scheme For Exporters


Exports play a crucial role in a developing economy like India which attaches significant importance to export promotion. With a view to simplify access of Bank credit to exporters especially small and medium exporters and make it borrower friendly in terms of procedure and credit terms, our Bank's Gold Card Scheme for exporters is already in place. The scheme envisages certain additional benefits based on the record of performance of exporters. The Gold Card holders enjoy simpler and more efficient credit delivery mechanism in recognition of their good track record. For the benefit of exporters, Bank has revisited the scheme & certain additional features have been incorporated in the scheme. The revised scheme is given as under:-


The Card Offered By The Bank Will Be Known As "Psb Expo Gold Card Scheme


  • All credit worthy exporters dealing with the bank for a minimum period of three years with good track record.
  • Exporters whose accounts have been classified as 'Standard' continuously for a period of three years and there are no irregularities/adverse features in the conduct of the accounts will be considered as having good track record.
  • Exporters in the Small and Medium Sector who satisfy the laid down conditions will also be eligible under the scheme.
  • The scheme will not be applicable to those exporters who are blacklisted by ECGC or having overdue export bills in excess of 10 per cent of the previous year's turnover.
  • In case of takeover of standard account the benefit of Exporter Gold Card will be allowed without the condition of dealing with our bank for the last three years provided the previous banker certifies that the exporter had been a Gold Card holder from their bank and the dealings of the exporter have been satisfactory.

Fixation of Credit Limits :

  • Application for credit will be processed faster than other exporters. The time frame fixed for disposal of applications received for sanction of credit under the scheme is as follows:-
    For disposal of fresh applications 25 days
    Renewal of limits 15 days
    Sanction of adhoc limits 07 days
  • Bank is already following a liberal approach in respect of export finance. Bank will allow 'In-principle' sanction of limits for three years with a provision for automatic renewal subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions of sanction. Sanctioning Authority will also introduce a clause in the terms & conditions of sanction that party will be submitting all the financial papers and other information required by the bank for the renewal and reviewal of account periodically.
  • PCFC requirements of the PSB Expo Gold Card holders will be met by giving them priority. Their FCDL requirements will also be given priority over non-export borrowers subject to availability of funds.
  • Export credit in foreign currency will be provided on priority basis at competitive rates related to LIBOR subject to availability.of funds. In case sufficient dollars are not available with the bank to lend to the exporter at a particular time, service charges at flat rate of 0.1% will be charged by the bank on the inter-bank foreign currency borrowings for the purpose, subject to availability of funds.
  • Bank will consider granting Term Loan in Foreign Currency in deserving cases out of their FCNR(B), RFC, etc. funds subject to availability of funds.
  • A stand-by limit of not less than 20 percent of the assessed limit may be additionally made available to facilitate urgent credit needs for executing sudden orders. In the case of exporters of seasonal commodities, the peak and off-peak levels may be appropriately specified. Urgent credit requirements of PSB Expo Gold Card holders will be met on priority basis.
  • The Loan Application Form for export credit for Gold Card Holder devised by Indian Banks Association is adopted as standard application form.
  • In case of unanticipated export orders, norms for inventory may be relaxed, taking into account the size and nature of export order.
  • Since the bonafides of the Gold Card holder is already established based on credit worthiness and track record, the same will be given due consideration by the sanctioning authority in respect of security and collaterals while granting export credit under the PSB Expo Gold Card scheme.

Rate of Interest:

  • Rate of interest charged on Rupee Export Credit to the Gold Card Holders will be lower than the normal rate of interest charged by the bank as under:-
    For exporters having credit rating 1 & 2 lower by 0.5% than the normal rate of interest charged by the bank
    For exporters having credit rating 3 & 4 lower by 0.25% than the normal rate of interest charged by the bank
  • In respect of PSB Expo Gold Card holders, the concessive rate of interest on post-shipment rupee export credit applicable upto 90 days will be extended for a maximum period of 365 days.

Service Charges:

  • All PSB Expo Gold Card holders will be offered discount of 15% in service charges and fee structure for various services/ transactions subject to compliance of FEDAI guidelines.
  • PSB Expo Gold Card holders, in view of their credit worthiness will be considered for exemption from ECGC policy at the discretion of the bank.


  • The Gold Card will be issued for a period of 3 years and will be automatically renewed for a further period of 3 years, unless there are adverse features/irregularities in the account. In case of any misuse of the card or observance of any violation of the terms & conditions, the bank will have the right to recall the card any time.
  • The exporter's record of performance will be reviewed periodically with a view to pass on the benefit of better terms and conditions including rate of interest for better performance.

The following additional facilities/benefits will be allowed to the holders of PSB Expo Gold Card :-

  • Waiving of Annual Fee for the first year on the Credit Card and 50% discount for second year onwards subject to satisfactory utilization of Credit Card.
  • Better exchange rates & exchange rates on daily basis will be provided by the branches through E-Mail wherever feasible.
  • Customer Education Programme will be conducted by the bank for them in which International developments and latest RBI guidelines will be discussed.
  • Problems of the Gold Card Holders will be discussed and immediate remedial measures will be taken."
  • The facility of ATM, Internet banking.


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