
Priority Sector Schemes

1. Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme
Purpose To provide credit support for cultivation of Crops/Post harvest expenses/Investment Credit Requirements
Eligible All farmers,JLG/SHG, can take the loan under the scheme
Credit Limit Need based as per the scale of finance prescribed for the respective crops by District Level Technical Committee (DLTC)
Margin NIL
Charges & fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI Upto Rs.3 Lakh: 7%**
Above Rs.3 Lakh upto Rs.10 lakh: One Year MCLR + 2%
Above Rs.10 lakh: One Year MCLR + 2.5%
**Rate of interest linked to the subvention scheme of GOI/RBI
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2. Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme: WC for Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
Purpose To meet short term credit requirements of farmers engaged in animal husbandry and fisheries activities
Eligible Farmers/ JLGs/SHGs engaged in Dairy, Poultry, Fisheries and other allied Activities
Credit Limit Need based as per the scale of finance prescribed by District Level Technical Committee (DLTC)
Margin NIL
Charges & fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI Upto Rs.2 Lakh: 7%**
Above Rs.2 Lakh upto Rs.10 lakh: One Year MCLR + 2%
Above Rs.10 lakh: One Year MCLR + 2.5%
**Rate of interest linked to the subvention scheme of GOI/RBI
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3. PSB Farm Mechanization for financing Tractor/Power tillers/ threshers/Reapers / bulldozers, JCBs, Well- Boring equipment/Combine Harvester & Any other implement
Purpose For purchase of Tractor, threshers, JCBs, Combine Harvester & Any other implements for use as farm machinery for own Farm Activity and/or Custom Hiring Service purpose.
Eligible Any individual or group of individuals, institution or organization doing farm activity.
Minimum Requirement For Power tillers/ threshers/Reapers min 2 Acre own Agri land, for tractor min 2.5 Acre & for combine harvester min 5 Acre Agri land
Margin New -15%, Old/Repair - 25%
Charges & fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI MCLR + 1.75%PA
Repayment Upto 9 years
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4. PSB Scheme for Financing Two Wheeler/ Jeep/ Car/ SUV to Farmers
Purpose Loan for purchase of Two Wheeler/Jeep/Car/SUV to farmers .
Eligible Any individual or group of individuals, institution or organization which has sufficient and regular income either from own Farm Activity and/or Custom Hiring Service
Min. Requirement of Agri land Two Wheeler: Minimum 1.00 acre
Four Wheeler: Minimum 2.50 acre
Margin Minimum of 15% irrespective of loan amount
Charges & fee 0.25% of the loan amount, with minimum of Rs. 1000.
Collateral Security Not be less than 100% to cover his total credit facilities from the bank.
ROI Four Wheeler - MCLR + 0.25% PA, Two Wheeler – MCLR + 5%
Repayment Upto 7 years (monthly/Qtly/HY)
5. PSB Kisan Suvidha Scheme (PSB KSS)
Purpose All agriculture related activities
Eligible All existing Kisan Credit Card (KCC) holder
Quantum of Finance @₹50,000/- per acre of owned land with maximum of ₹ 5 Lakh
Margin 15% to 25 % of the project cost
Charges & fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
ROI Upto Rs. 50000: 1 Year MCLR+1.00
Above Rs. 50000 and upto Rs. 10 Lakh: – 1 Year MCLR+2.00
Above Rs. 10 Lakh: – 1 Year MCLR+2.50
Repayment Upto 5 years
6. PSB Scheme for Advance Dairy Farming
Purpose TL for equipments & infrastructure, WC for recurring expenditure
Eligible All farmers, who have min. 2 years’ experience & min. 3-acre Agri land
Quantum of Finance upto @₹60,000/- per cattle animals, min 10 & max 30 cattle*
Margin TL - 15%
ROI Upto Rs. 50000: 1 Year MCLR+1.00
Above Rs. 50000 and upto Rs. 10 Lakh: – 1 Year MCLR+2.00
Above Rs. 10 Lakh: – 1 Year MCLR+2.50
Repayment TL - upto 7 years incl. 6-month moratorium, WC – on demand
Security 100% of the loan amount(Agri or urban property)
7. PSB Scheme on Financing Food and Agro Processing Units
  • To provide financial assistance for creation of processing and preservation capacities and modernization / expansion of existing food processing units.
  • To provide credit support for food & agro processing units.
Eligible Individuals / SHGs/ JLGs/ Proprietorship Firms/ Partnership / LLP / Pvt. Ltd. Co. / Public Ltd. Co/ Trust and Co-operative Societies registered under any law relating to co-operative societies/ FPOs and other legal entities etc.
Extent of Limit
  • Term Loan: Need Based
  • Working Capital Limit (Funded + Non-Funded): Need Based
  • Overdraft against Property (ODP): Maximum upto Rs 500 lacs*.
Margin 25% to 50%
  • Term Loan
  • Working Capital Limit (Funded + Non Funded)
  • Overdraft against Property (ODP)
Charges & fee Upto 3lakh - NIL
ROI Click Here
Repayment Term Loan:Term Loan: Repayable in maximum 10 years, WC/OD – On demand
Security / Guarantee Suitable Collateral Security & Suitable guarantee of third party/((ies) be taken.
Activity covered All Activity as per Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)

*Terms & conditions apply.


*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose To give special emphasis on meeting working capital and investment credit requirements of the farmers engaged in Poultry farming or intend to engage themselves in such an activity.
Eligible Farmers/JLGs/SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives/Corporate Farmers etc.
Extent of Limit
  • Working Capital: Based on Scale of finance by DLTC
  • Term Loan: Need based
Margin NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
Charges and Fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security Third party guarantee upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI 7% upto limit Rs. 2 lakh* & MCLR+2% above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs.10 lakh*

*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose To give special emphasis on meeting working capital and investment credit requirements of the farmers engaged in Pig farming or intend to engage themselves in such an activity.
Eligible Farmers/JLGs/SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives/Corporate Farmers etc.
Extent of Limit
  • Working Capital: Based on Scale of finance by DLTC
  • Term Loan: Need based
Margin NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
Charges and Fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security Third party guarantee upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI 7% upto limit Rs. 2 lakh* & MCLR+2% above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs.10 lakh*

*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose To give special emphasis on meeting working capital and investment credit requirements of the farmers engaged in apiculture (Bee keeping) or intend to engage themselves in such an activity.
Eligible Farmers/JLGs/SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives/Corporate Farmers etc.
Extent of Limit
  • Working Capital: Based on Scale of finance by DLTC
  • Term Loan: Need based
Margin NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
Charges and Fee NIL upto limit Rs.3 lakh
Collateral Security Third party guarantee upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI 7% upto limit Rs. 2 lakh* & MCLR+2% above Rs. 2 lakh to Rs.10 lakh*

*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose To meet the term loan requirement of the farmers associated with minor irrigation activities.
Target group Farmers/JLGs/SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives/Corporate Farmers etc.
Extent of Limit Term Loan: Need based
Minimum land holding At least 1 acre of agricultural land*
Margin NIL upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
Charges NIL upto limit Rs. 3 Lakh
Processing Fee NIL upto limit Rs.25,000/-
Collateral Security Third party guarantee upto limit Rs.2.00 Lakh*
ROI One Year MCLR + 1% upto limit Rs. 50,000/-* & One Year MCLR + 2% above Rs. 50000/- to Rs.10 lakh*

*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose To provide collateral free credit for the portion other than subsidy to the beneficiaries under PM KUSUM scheme.
Target group Farmers/JLGs/SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives/Corporate Farmers/WUA etc. who are receiving financial assistance from the Central and State government under PM KUSUM Scheme.
Extent of Limit
  • North Eastern States, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep and A&N Islands: 10.00% of the total cost of the project. (CFA=50.00%, SFA=30.00%)
  • Other states and UTs: 30.00% of the total cost of the project. (CFA=30.00%, SFA=30.00%)
Margin 10.00% of the total cost of the project
Charges NIL upto limit Rs. 3 Lakh
Processing Fee NIL upto limit Rs.25,000/-
Security Hypothecation of the assets created out of bank finance.
ROI Minimum RoI: One Year MCLR (Based on the collateral coverage and internal credit rating)

*Terms & conditions apply.

Purpose For meeting the term loan and working capital requirements of the Scientific Storage Facilities such as Godowns, Dry Warehouse, Cold Storage, Cold Chain, Silos and Market Yards
  • Individual entrepreneurs and Proprietorship/ Partnership firms.
  • Self Help Groups (SHGs), Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)/ (FPC) Companies.
  • Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS), Marketing Cooperative Societies and Multi- Purpose Cooperative Societies.
  • Start- Ups and Central/State agency or local body sponsored Public Private Partnership Projects.
  • Corporate firms, LLP, Pvt. Ltd. Companies, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Section 8 Companies.
  • Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Central/State agencies including State Government Departments and autonomous organization / State owned corporations such as Agricultural Produce Market Committees & Marketing Boards, State Warehousing Corporations, State Civil Supplies Corporations etc.
Nature & quantum of Loan
  • Term Loan:Need based
  • Working Capital Limit: Need Based
Margin Up to Rs. 10 Cr : 15%
Above Rs 10 Cr: 25 %
Collateral Security To be covered under CGTMSE/Other Credit guarantee Scheme or Collateral Security in the shape of immovable property/liquid security as per extant guidelines.
ROI Click Here
  • Term Loan:Maximum repayment period up to 10 Years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.
  • Working Capital Limit: 12 months, subject to annual review.
Purpose For financing against the pledge of e-NWR issued by repository/ies for stock / goods kept in WDRA accredited godowns.
  • Farmers (including association of farmers like Primary Agri. Coop. societies, farmers' producer companies of individual farmers, partnership firms and co-operatives of farmers, directly engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activities)
  • Traders, Food and Agro-processing Units, Arthiyas (Commission Agent)
  • Exporters/ Importers who are original depositors covering only non–perishable agricultural commodities.
Nature of Loan Demand Loan & Cash Credit
Quantum of Loan
Farmers Minimum: Rs. 50,000
Maximum: Rs. 75 Lakh
For Others Minimum: Rs. 50,000
Maximum: Rs. 5 crore
Margin 25%
Collateral Security Not required
ROI Click Here
Repayment Maximum 12 months

*Terms & conditions apply.

  • To meet Working Capital requirements (including crop cultivation expenses) for Agriculture, Allied Activities.
  • To meet term loan requirements for capital expenditure
Target Groups Owner cultivator, Tenant farmer, Share Cropper, Oral Lessees, Farmers engaged in Agriculture Allied Activities etc.
Nature of Loan Working Capital & Term Loan
Credit Limit Minimum: Rs 10,000/-
Maximum : Rs 25,00,000/-
Margin Minimum 25%
Collateral Security Pledge of gold ornaments/ jewellery and gold coins (specially minted and sold by Banks/MMTC etc) owned by the applicant/s.
ROI Click Here
Repayment Within 12 months
For Long term Crops: Maximum of 18 months with margin 35%
16.PSB Scheme for Financing Compressed Bio Gas Plants under Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation (SATAT)
Purpose For setting up of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plants.
Eligibility Criteria Compressed Bio Gas plants with minimum designed capacity of 2.0 Tons per day for the CBG plant.
Nature of Loan Fund-based and Non-fund based facilities
Credit Limit Minimum: Rs 1 Crore
Maximum : Rs 100 Crore
Margin Up to Rs. 10 Cr: 15% of the Project Cost
Above Rs 10 Cr: 25% of the Project Cost
Collateral Security If Tripartite agreement is available, collateral value minimum 25% of Sanctioned limit to be obtained.
ROI As applicable to Ancillary activities
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Repayment Term loan repayable in 10-15 years.
17.PSB Scheme for Financing Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) backed by Credit Guarantee Scheme for FPO Financing (CGSFPO)
Purpose To meet the financial needs of the Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) backed with guarantee coverage under Credit Guarantee Scheme for Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO) Financing (CGSFPO) from NABARD.
Target Groups Registered Farmer Producer Organizations/Companies
Nature of Loan Working Capital and /or Term Loan
Credit Limit Maximum credit limit: Rs.2 Crore
Margin UUp to Rs. 1 crore: 15%
Above Rs. 1 crore: 25%
Collateral Security To be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme for Financing FPO (CGSFPO) provided by NABSanrakshan Trustee Pvt. Ltd./NABARD.
ROI As per extant Bank guidelines based on the purpose of advance.
Repayment Term loan: Repayable in 7 years
Working Capital: One year, repayable on demand.

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