
Service Charge Loan and Advances

Service Charge on Loan and Advances


Service Charges on Loans and Advances have been grouped into four categories for easy reference :as under:

(i) General Services Charges Annexure -A
(ii) Services Charges on ILC Annexure -B
(iii) Service Charges on Bank Guarantees and Annexure -C
(iv) Processing /Upfront Charges Annexure -D


Part A 

General Service Charges- Advances Related Services


S. NO.

Items/ Head

Existing Guidelines

Revised Guidelines

(Revised charges shall be effective from 1st May 2019)

1 (a)








































1 (b)

Documentation Charges





















i)uptoRs. 2.0 lac- NIL

ii) uptoRs. 25 lac- Rs. 2500/-

iii) uptoRs. 100 lac- Rs. 5000/-

iv) above Rs. 100lac- Rs.10000/-






FB/NFB (charges are exclusive of GST)



Documentation charges+ GST

upto  2.0 lac


Above 2 lac upto 10 lacP


Above 10 lac upto 25 lac


Above 25 lac upto 50 lac


Above 50 lac upto 100 lac


Above 100 lac



For Agricultural Loans following documentation charges are prescribed asper IBA recommendations



Documentation charges+ GST

Upto 3 lac


Above 3 lac upto 25 lac

Rs.100/- per lac subject to max. of Rs.2000/- + GST

Above 25 lac upto 50 lac

Rs.2000/- + Rs.150/- per lac on loan/ limit in excess of Rs.25 lacs subject to max. of Rs.5000/- + GST

Above 50 lac

Rs.5000/- + Rs.200 per lac on the loan/ limit in excess of Rs.50 lac subject to maximum of Rs.10000/- + GST


The above mentioned charges are to be levied only once in case of term loans. However, in case of cash credit accounts, documentation charges are to be levied first at the time of fresh sanction and then at the time of enhancement (for the entire portion of limit)


For supplying copy of documents


  1. Govt Sponsored Scheme/PS advances uptoRs.25000/-NIL

ii) uptoRs. 100 lac- Rs. 500/-

iii) above Rs. 100lac- Rs. 1000/- plus actual charges.



Charges+ GST

/PS advances uptoRs. 25000/-


uptoRs. 100 lac


above Rs. 100 lac

Rs.2000/- + actual charges



Allocation of limits

Rs. 10000/-  p.a. for allocation of limits to each branch( to be recovered by controlling branch)

In case of advance moved from one business unit to another at Bank’s instance – no charges.

No Change

































3 (c)

Commitment charges






Working capital – for all fund based limits



















Term Loan






(from Working

Capital limits

mentioned in

point 1 above)








For WCL:@ 1.0% p.a. on unutilized portion of w.c. facilities exceeding 25 lac subject to tolerance level of 15 %


At present, the commitment charges are being levied in borrowal accounts on quarterly basis
















For TL:Not defined





Exemption- Export credit , Rice sheller, cold storage , seasonal credit facilities and bill finance

(In terms of HO CMP Cir. Letter No.33/2015-16 dated 31.12.2015)


Following charges to be levied on  average unutilized portion of W.C. facilities exceeding 3.00 cr.


For WCL:

Undrawn balance as % of total fund based working capital limit

Commitment charges (% p.a.on undrawn


Up to & inclusive of



Above 25% to 50%

0.50% p.a.

Above 50%

1% p.a.


The unutilized portion will be ascertained by calculating the average utilization during the year.


The difference between the average utilization determined as above and the sanctioned limit shall represent the unutilized portion.


The year for this purposes shall be taken as calendar

year and the commitment charges shall be charged atthe end of year say in the month of December of therespective year


For TL:For loans above Rs. 5 cr (irrespective of working capital limits) for delayed drawdown (as per drawdown schedule given at the time of sanction)beyond 3 months – 0.50 %p.a. from the date fixed for availmentto the date of actual availment



  • Export credit
  • Rice sheller
  • Cold storage
  • Seasonal Credit Facilities
  • Bill finance  including bill discounting/ purchase limit or sub-limit sanctioned against bills forcollection
  • Limits sanctioned to commercial banks, FIs, Cooperative banks including land developmentbanks


Revalidation/Amendments/modification of sanction terms(per reference)

e.g change of constitution, merger, demerger, ROI, etc.





i)AboveRs. 2.0 lac uptoRs. 100 lac.-Rs. 5000/-

ii) above Rs. 100 lac.- Rs. 10000/-


Loan Limits

Amount (per reference)

Upto 2 lac


Above 2 lac upto Rs.1 cr

Rs.7500/- + GST

Above 1 crupto 5 cr

Rs.10000/- + GST

Above 5 c rupto 50 cr

Rs.20000/- + GST

Above 50 cr

Rs.25000/- + GST



Issuance of NOC for ceding first/second charge /other purposes


Rs. 100/- per certificate

For all accounts above Rs. 5.0 crore – Rs. 1000/-


Loan Limits


Upto Rs.5 cr

Rs.2500-  + GST per certificate

AboveRs. 5 cr.

Rs.5000/- + GST per certificate



TUF /subsidy  application processing Fee


i) for loan uptoRs. 1.0 cr-Rs. 1000/-

ii) above Rs. 1.0 cr.- Rs 2500/-


 Clause deleted


Issuance of any other certificate i.e no dues, interest certificate, balance confirmation, maintenance of account, etc on behalf of our clients as well as clients referred by other banks other than for Govt. sponsored schemes


Rs. 100/- per certificate





Exemption: weaker section in P.S , and SHGs as part of weaker section


A flat charge of Rs.200/-  + GST is to be levied per certificate




No Exemption


Issuance of Solvency Certificate

UptoRs. 1lac- Rs. 500/-

UptoRs. 25 lac- Rs. 2500/-

UptoRs. 50 lac- Rs. 5000/-


Above Rs. 50 lac upto Rs.100 lac- Rs. 15000/-


Above Rs. 100 lac- Rs. 20000/-


Loan Limit


Upto 1 lac

Rs.500/- + GST

Above 1 lac upto 25 lac

Rs.2500/- + GST

Above 25 lac upto 50 lac

Rs.7500/- + GST

Above 50 lac upto 1 cr

Rs.20000/- + GST

Above 1 cr

Rs.25000/- + GST



Lead Bank charges in consortium accounts

i)uptoRs. 50 crore-0.25 % with min. Rs. 5 lac

ii) above Rs. 50 cr.- 0.15% with max. Rs. 25lac


Loan Limit

Amount (exclusive of GST)

Upto Rs.50 cr

0.25% with min. of Rs.5 lac

Above Rs.50 cr.

0.30% with min. of Rs.15 lac and max. Rs.35 lac


(These charges are the Lead Bank Charges. Normal processing/ upfront fee is to be recovered separately)


Providing credit information/opinion including introduction in case of borrowal accounts if provided on request of the borrower


Rs. 1000/- per occasion


No Change



/modification/satisfaction of charges with ROC


Actual + Rs. 1000/-


No Change


Registration of Power of Attorney


Rs. 500/-per reference


No Change


For getting noted Bank’s lien on title deed/lease deed with State Industrial Corporation which leases out the land for industrial use to the borrower


i)For Loan/Limit uptoRs. 1.0 cr.-

Actual charges + Rs. 1000/-


ii) for loan/limit above Rs. 1.0 cr.- Actual charges+ Rs.2000/-


No Change


Inspection Charges




For Limits up to Rs. 25000.00


Limit above Rs. 25000 up to Rs. 50000

For General: Rs. 200.00;

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: Nil

Limits above Rs. 50000.00 up to Rs. 1.00 lac

For General: Rs. 250.00

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: Nil

Limits above Rs. 1.00 lac up to Rs. 2.00 lac

For General: Rs. 300.00

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: Nil

Limits above Rs. 2.00 lac up to Rs 5.00 lac

For General: Rs. 500.00

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: 300 once annually

Limits above Rs. 5.00 lac up to Rs 10.00 lac

For General: Rs. 1000.00

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: 400 once annually

Limits above Rs. 10.00 lac to Rs 1.00 Crore

For General: Rs.1250.00 per inspection maximum of Rs. 5000/- annually

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: Rs 500.00 once annually

Limits above Rs. 100.00 lac

For General: Rs. 3000.00 per inspection maximum of Rs. 12000/- annually

For Agriculture/ Weaker Section: Rs 750.00 once annually

In Consortium – As per Consortium decision

In Case of special Schemes – As per the schemes

With regard to performance guarantee for more than one year, 200% of above amount to be charged, but same shall not exceed the maximum limit mentioned therein (i.e. Rs. 5000 annually/ Rs12000 annually.).


 Note: No Inspection charges to be levied in staff loan cases. This will exclude cases where staff is a co-borrower (except education loans).


Out of Pocket Expenses – Actual out of pocket expenses for visit also to be charged to the borrower


Further, In terms of HO CMP Cir. Letter no. 3/2015-16 dated 23.05.2015, frequency of Inspection Charges to be levied in borrowal accounts and clarifications with regard to periodicity of unit visit vis-à-vis frequency of inspection charges to be levied, including stressed accounts, have been defined. The same guidelines have been annexed as per Annexure II.

No Change


Pre-payment Charges




  1. If the facilities availed from the bank is upto Rs.1 crore and the account is adjusted through takeover of loan by another bank before 360 days from the date of disbursement, then a prepayment charges of 2% on the WC limit, 1% on term loan outstanding and non fund limits on the adjustment be recovered;


  1. If the facilities availed from the bank is above Rs.1 crore and the account is adjusted through takeover of loan by another bank before 360 days from the date of disbursement, then a prepayment charges of 1% on the WC limit and on term loan outstanding and 0.5% on non fund limits on the date of adjustment be recovered;


  1. All accounts under Personal, Car,Conveyance,Housing Schemes be levied a prepayment charges of 1% on the balance outstanding on the date of adjustment if the account is adjusted through takeover of loan by another bank;


  1. The borrowers under this schematic lending be allowed to make part pre-payment without any penalty in case he receives any lump-sum amounts from verifiable legitimate sources i.e. on receipt of retirement benefits, maturity proceeds of NSC, LIC etc. and wants to reduce his interest burden;


  1. In addition to the above, in case of this Schematic lending, no pre-payment charge be levied, if the borrower adjusts the account in full and final before scheduled time from his own verifiable legitimate sources i.e. on receipt of retirement benefits, maturity proceeds of NSC, LIC etc.



  1. If the processing charges are also waived for the party and the account is adjusted through takeover of loan by another bank before 360 days from the date of disbursement, then, these processing charges be recovered in addition to the prepayment penalty as stipulated for the borrower.


All the sanctioning authorities are advised to insert relevant clause / condition in the sanction letter as applicable in terms of guidelines on Fair Practice Code.  Necessary undertaking in this regard be also obtained from the borrower


In terms of RBIdirections vide their circular dated 07.05.2014, it has been decided to withdraw foreclosure charges/ pre-payment penalties all floating rate term loans sanctioned to individual borrowers only.

Other guidelines on pre-payment charges shall remain the same.




Presentation of usance bills for acceptance

Rs. 100/- per bill

Rs. 200/- per bill


Noting + protesting  on bills

 Rs. 500/- per bill plus legal expenses plus out of pocket expenses.

 Rs. 750/- per bill plus legal expenses plus out of pocket expenses.


Obtaining of surrender value of policy of Life insurance

Rs. 200/- plus out of pocket expenses

Rs. 200/- plus out of pocket expenses


Co-acceptance of Bills

Rs. 150 + 1..0% per quarter or part thereof for the liability period , per bill

Rs. 300 + 1..0% per quarter or part thereof for the liability period , per bill



Part B 

Inland Letter Of Credit

S. NO.


Existing Guidelines

Revised Guidelines

(Revised charges shall be effective from 1st May 2019)











Bills upto 7 days sight including demand bills

0.25% Min. Rs.300/-

Bills over 7 days &upto 3 months sight

0.50% Min. Rs.300/-

Bills over 3 months sight

0.50 % for first 3 m + 0.25% pm  in excess of 3 months with min. Rs. 300/-





Bills upto 7 days sight including demand bills

0.25% + GST, Min. Rs.500/- + GST

Bills over 7 days &upto 3 months sight

0.50% + GST, Min. Rs.500/- + GST

Bills over 3 months sight

0.50 %  + GST for first 3 m + 0.25% pm  + GST in excess of 3 months with min. Rs. 500/- + GST





(In addition to Usance charges)

For the period of liability( from the date of opening of credit to last day of its validity)




@0.30% for every period of 3 months or part thereof with minimum Rs. 300/-




@0.30%  + GST for every period of 3 months or part thereof with minimum Rs. 500/- + GST



Reinstatement of Revolving LC

Normal usance and commitment charges with minimum Rs. 500/-

Normal usance and commitment charges with minimum Rs. 600/- (in addition to GST)


LC with 100% cash (liquid) margin

25% of regular charges with min. Rs. 500/-

25% of regular charges + GST with min. Rs. 750/- + GST


Confirmation of LC

As applicable to opening of LC

Rs.750.00 + Usance Charges + Commitment Charges + GST









Increase in value /amount of LC

Both usance and commitment charge on amount so increased with minimum Rs. 500/-

Extension of validity period

extension may be allowed free of commitment charges if such an extension does not run into fresh period of 3 months , otherwise a fresh charge of 0.25 % for further period of 3 months withminimumRs. 300/-

Other amendments

Flat commission of Rs. 500/-





Increase in value /amount of LC

Both usance and commitment charge on amount so increased with minimum Rs. 750/- + GST

Extension of validity period

extension may be allowed free of commitment charges if such an extension does not run into fresh period of 3 months , otherwise a fresh charge of 0.25 % for further period of 3 months withminimum Rs.500/- + GST

Other amendments

Flat commission of Rs.750/- + GST







7 (a)

Advising of LC

(including letters of authority , orders to negotiate)


Advising Amendment


0.05% with minimum Rs. 500/- and maximum Rs. 5000/- if such LC does not carry confirmation



Same as above


0.05% with minimum Rs. 750/- + GST and maximum Rs. 5000/- + GST if such LC does not carry confirmation



Same as above


Transfer of LC

(Whether full or in part or whether endorsed on credit itself or not)

Rs. 500/- per transfer except when the name of the beneficiary is changed under instruction from opening bank.


These charges are on account of first beneficiary unless otherwise specified. On LC calling for usance drafts drawn and accepted by banks, a commission @ 0.20% p.m. with minimum Rs. 500/- shall be levied.


If beneficiary refuses to pay, then same shall be collected from applicant of credit

Rs. 1000/- + GST per transfer except when the name of the beneficiary is changed under instruction from opening bank.


These charges are on account of first beneficiary unless otherwise specified. On LC calling for usance drafts drawn and accepted by banks, a commission @ 0.20% p.m. + GST with minimum Rs. 500/-  + GST shall be levied.


If beneficiary refuses to pay, then same shall be collected from applicant of credit


Negotiation Charges

a) for bills uptoRs. 2.50 lac – 0.40 %

b) Bills above Rs. 2.5 lac – 0.30 %

with min. Rs. 1000/- and  max. Rs. 10000/-

 plus discount at applicable rate of interest from date of negotiation to date of disbursement


No Change


Acceptance charges

An acceptance commission of 0.30 % with a minimum of Rs. 300/-

An acceptance commission of 0.30 % + GST with a minimum of Rs. 500/- + GST


Out of Pocket expenses such as postages, telegrams, telexes, cables, swift etc

From beneficiary unless otherwise specified

Actual expenses to be recovered from beneficiary unless otherwise specifies

12 (a)









12 (b)

Guaranteeing discrepancies in documents negotiated under LC





Refund of Payment under Reserve

0.25% with minimum Rs. 100/- where payment received under reserve is credited to beneficiary account.


However no such charges is levied , if amount received under reserve , on request of customer, is not parted with by the Bank



The Bank will pay the negotiating bank the face value of the bill along with interest at commercial rate of the negotiating bank plus charges. Interest /charges , if any, would be for customer’s account

0.25% + GST with minimum Rs. 750/- + GST where payment received under reserve is credited to beneficiary account.


However no such charges is levied , if amount received under reserve , on request of customer, is not parted with by the Bank



No Change


Clean Payment Received Under LC

Flat charges of Rs. 250/- shall be levied by beneficiary’s bank for receiving and crediting clean payment to beneficiary account.

Flat charges of Rs.500/- + GST shall be levied by beneficiary’s bank for receiving and crediting clean payment to beneficiary account.


Attestation of Commercial invoice subsequent to negotiation

Rs. 20 per invoice . Minimum Rs. 50/-

Rs. 50 per invoice. Minimum Rs. 100/-


Service  Tax  and Education Cess

To be Recovered on chargeable amount

Service Tax, Education Cess and any other Taxes are to be recovered at prevailing rate.



  1. Commission to be charged on opening/amendment of LC and no refund is permitted under any circumstances whatsoever.
  2. All charges in respect of advance bills and/or bills under LC are on account of applicant
  3. When inland LC opened by a Bank is advised/confirmed by its own branch, the advising/ confirming branch shall not be entitled to advising /confirmation commission.
  4. If collecting bank is not the negotiating bank, then charges as applicable to collection of bills be levied by the collecting bank
  1. Commission to be charged on opening/amendment of LC and no refund is permitted under any circumstances whatsoever.
  2. All charges in respect of advance bills and/or bills under LC are on account of applicant
  3. When inland LC opened by a Bank is advised/confirmed by its own branch, the advising/ confirming branch shall not be entitled to advising /confirmation commission.
  4. If collecting bank is not the negotiating bank, then charges as applicable to collection of bills be levied by the collecting bank
  5. In case of invocation of Guarantee, devolvement of Letter of Credit and if it is not regularized within a period of 30 days, all such concessions allowed if any will be withdrawn.
  6. Out of pocket expenses (plus service tax) such as postage, telegram, telax, fax cable etc., shall be collected in addition to the usual charges.

Part C 

Bank Guarantee Issuance /Renewal Charges

S. NO.


Existing Guidelines

Revised Guidelines

(Revised charges shall be effective from 1st May 2019)


 Performance BG

Rs. 250/- plus 2 % p.a. or part thereof

WITH MIN. Rs. 250/- plus charges applicable for six months


Rs. 500/- plus 2% p.a. or part thereof + GST


Withmin. Rs.500/- plus charges applicable for six months


Other than Performance

Rs. 250/- plus 3 % p.a. or part thereof

With min. Rs. 250/- plus charges applicable for six months No refund for un-expired period even if purpose of B.G issued gets fulfilled earlier

Rs. 500/- plus 3 % p.a. or part thereof + GST


With min. Rs.500/- plus charges applicable for six months




BG at 100% liquid margin

Rs. 250/- plus 25% of charges at sr. no. 1 or 2 above.

Rs.500/- plus 25% of charges at sr. no. 1 or 2 above + GST.


Letter of Comfort

Backed by 100% discharge of liability(viz cash margin, sanctioned term loan, guarantee of first class bank, 100% lien on drawing power) – 1.0% p.a.


Others-    2% p.a.


Subject to min. charges for 3 months

No Change


Exercise of Swing Option

 0.02 % of amount involved, subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- and a max. of Rs. 2500/- ( no authority has been vested with discretion to reduce this service charge)

No Change



No Refund for first 6 months of unexpired period, thereafter 50% refund for every full quarter.

No Change


Extension of validity Period

Same charges as is levied at the time of issue of BG.

No Change


Remittance charges on invocation

No Charges

No Change


Part D 

Processing/Upfront Charges

S. NO.


Existing Guidelines

Revised Guidelines

(Revised charges shall be effective from 1st May 2019)


Other than Agricultural/ Crop Loan




Fund based/Non Fund based  limit/loan uptoRs. 25000/-


No Change


Fund based/Non Fund based  limit/loan above Rs. 25000/- and uptoRs. 2.00 lac (including Real Estate Sector)


Rs. 400/-

No Change


Exposure above Rs. 2.0 lac other than to   Real Estate Sector

a) W.C. – Funded/Non-funded



b). Term Loans above Rs. 2.0 lac uptoRs. 50 lac





c) Term loans above Rs. 50 lac




d)Blue Chip

Companies with minimum credit rating of AAA


e).Central/State govt. PSU’s



0.50% with minimum of Rs. 500/- with no the time of sanction/renewal every year


1.00%  (New Borrower)

0.75%(5 yr. Old Borrower)

0.50%(20 yr old Borrower)



1.00%  (New Borrower)

0.75%(5 yr. Old Borrower)

0.50%(20 yr old Borrower)



0.10% with no cap.





No Change



















Exposure above Rs. 2.0 lac to Real Estate Sector


a).W.C. funded/non-funded  above Rs. 2.0 lac and uptoRs. 50.0 lac



b). W.C. funded/non-funded  above Rs. 50.0 lac


c). Term loan above Rs. 2.0 lac and uptoRs. 50 .0 lac




d). Term Loan above Rs. 50.0 lac






Rs. 500/- per lac or part thereof with no cap




1.0% with no cap and 50% of applicable charges on renewal every year


1.00%  (New Borrower)

0.75%(5 yr. Old Borrower)

050%(20 yr old Borrower)


1.00%  (New Borrower)

0.75%(5 yr. Old Borrower)

0.50%(20 yr old Borrower












No Change


Review of Term Loan o/s of Rs.10 Lac and Above


0.05% without any cap on every reviewal

(However no processing fees to be charged in case of PSUs and for Systematically Important NBFCs with external rating of ‘A’ and above from accredited rating agencies.)



No Change




In case of consortium accounts, 0.25% fee to be charged. If other banks are charging higher fee, same is to be charged by our Bank. All other charges in line with consortium.



No Change


Upfront Charges - New business Group (NBPC)


Rs.50,000 to be charged upfront for each NBG proposal which will be adjustable against processing fees on regular sanction. In case the proposal is declined by the Bank, the same to be refunded



No Change


Amendment/Revalidation/modification of sanction terms e.g. change of constitution, merger, demerger, ROI, etc

Charges of Rs. 25,000. per request to be charged for the first time. For each subsequent request, Rs. 50,000 to be charged as amendment charges.

In Consortium accounts, Amendment charges to be charged in line with other lenders.

No Change


For Agricultural Advances




For Crop Loan:




Up to Rs.3.00 Lakh




Above Rs.3.00 Lakh

(i)  0.50% of limit (for portion above     Rs.3.00 lakh) with minimum of        Rs.500/- at the time of sanction only.

(ii) Processing Fee will be applicable in case of enhancement above Rs.3.00 lakh, on enhanced portion only.

(iii) No processing charges to be levied at the time of renewal.

(i) 0.50% of limit (for portion above       Rs.3.00 lakh) with minimum of         Rs.500/- at the time of sanction only.

(ii) Processing Fee will be applicable in case of enhancement above         Rs.3.00 lakh, on enhanced portion only.

(iii) No processing charges to be levied at the time of renewal.


Other Agriculture Advances

  1. Advances under a Scheme- as per scheme
  2. Other Advances- 0.50% on total project outlay on one time basis
  3. Advances to Weaker section -Nil

No Change


All cases including NBPC: On regular sanction/enhancement of credit limits (FBWC/NFBWC/Term Loan)

50% processing fees to be charged before release of sanction/enhancement and remaining 50% to be charged before disbursement of credit facility.

No Change


BG/LC against 100% cash margin/Bank’s own FDRs


Amount of BG/LC Sanctioned

Processing Fees

Upto Rs.2 Lac


Above Rs.2 Lac &upto Rs.10 Lac


Above Rs.10 Lac &upto Rs.50 Lac


Above Rs.50 Lac &upto Rs.100 Lac


Above Rs.100 Lac





No Change



Advances against Deposits , Govt. Securities, Mutual Fund Units, UTI units, NSCs, KVPs and staff loans of any type.


Actual out of pocket expenses at the time of noting of lien/collection of proceeds plus Rs. 25/- per security certificate with min. Rs. 100/-


No Change


Adhoc Sanction/Temporary Limits

Normal charges


No Change


PMRY/SGSY/Other Govt. Schemes

Service charges as per scheme

No Change


In –principle sanction


10% of normal charges upfront, 15% of normal charges on in-principle sanction

75% of normal charges at the time of issue of regular sanction. 

No Change


For schemes where refinance is obtained

Service charges as per scheme

No Change


Recovery of Processing/Upfront fee

50% of normal  /recommended  charges  upfront . Balance on release of sanction. But total charges not to exceed the applicable /sanctioned charges on sanctioned amount.

No Change



Processing Charges on each renewal is to be debited on due date irrespective of the fact that the case is actually renewed/reviewed on that date. In case the renewal/reviewal is delayed due to non-submission of financial data or any other such reason attributable to the borrower, the proportionate processing charges for the period of the delay shall also be recovered in addition to normal charges which are recovered on due date.

No Change



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