
Debit Card Do's and Don’ts

Customers – Be Aware

Dos and Don’ts of ATM transactions


  • Conduct your ATM transactions in complete privacy, never let anyone see you entering your Personal Identification Number ( ATM Password)
  • Please change your PIN / Password periodically for security reasons.
  • After completion of transaction ensure that welcome screen is displayed on ATM screen
  • Ensure your current mobile number is registered with the bank so that you can get alerts for all your transactions
  • Please inform the Bank in writing immediately in case your mobile registered for SMS alert is changed.
  • Beware of suspicious movements of people around the ATM or strangers trying to engage you in conversation.
  • Do check if the card given to you by the merchant after completion of the transaction is your card .
  • Look for extra devices attached to the ATMs that looks suspicious .
  • Inform the bank if the ATM / Debit card is lost or stolen, immediately, report if any unauthorised transaction.
  • In case your Debit Card is non-functional for any reason, please contact the concerned branch for issuance of a new Card .
  • Check the transaction alerts sent by the Bank through SMS and bank statements regularly and take up immediately with your Branch in case of any discrepancy .
  • If cash is not dispensed and ATM does not display “cash out” please report to the Bank on the number mentioned in the Notice Board .
  • Immediately check your phone for SMS for debit amount.
  •  Always, please keep your Debit Card safely in your possession .


  • Do not write your PIN on the card, memorise your PIN number. 
  • Do not take help from strangers or handover your card to anyone for using it .
  • Never share Card details, PIN, CVV, OTP etc. with anyone including family members and Bank officials.  Bank does not call for such information from ay customer.  Therefore, no information should be shared on telephone also even if the person calling from other end introduces himself as Bank official.
  • Do not allow the card to go out of your sight when you are making a payment.
  • Avoid speaking on the mobile phone while you are transacting.
  •  Please do not leave your mobile with others.

Emergency numbers :- Please contact on following numbers:

Call Centre : All India Toll Free Numbers: 1800-419-8300


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