
MSME Schemes

1. PSB Krishak Mitra
Purpose WC for maintaining stocks of Agri inputs like Seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, Cattle Feed / Poultry Feed / Dairy Feed
Eligible Commission Agents (Arthias) / Dealers / Distributor / Stockist for distribution
Extent of Limit Rs.5lakh to 200Lakh through WC/ODP
Margin for WC - Stock 25%, against bookdebt 35%, for ODP – 35%
Processing Fee @ 0.50% with minimum of Rs. 500/- with no upper cap. Levied at the time of sanction/renewal every year
ROI Click Here
Repayment WC – on demand or Operative limit for 12 months, subject to annual renewal
Security / Guarantee Suitable Collateral Security & Suitable guarantee of third party/((ies) be taken.
2. PSB Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
Particulars Description
Purpose Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana is a Government of India scheme, which enables a small borrower to borrow from banks, MFIs, NBFCs for loans up to ₹20 lakh for non-farm income-generating activities. PMMY Scheme provides Working Capital/Term Loan facility to micro units from the Banking flexible manner.
Eligible Borrowers Micro enterprises, including micro enterprises set up under joint liability group framework and Self Help Groups (SHGs) engaged in manufacturing, trading, services sector and activities allied to agriculture:
  • Whose credit needs are up to ₹10 lakh are eligible for finance under PMMY.
  • Covering loans above ₹10 lakh and up to ₹20 lakh under “Tarun Plus” (For those entrepreneurs who have availed and successfully repaid previous loan under ‘Tarun’ category).
  • The overdraft amount of ₹10,000 sanctioned under PMJDY.
  • Self Help Groups (SHGs) up to ₹20 lakh would also be eligible for coverage under CGFMU.
Quantum of Loan
  • Shishu: Covering loans up to ₹50,000/-
  • Kishore: Covering loans above ₹50,000/- and up to ₹5 lakh.
  • Tarun: Covering loans above ₹5 lakh and up to ₹10 lakh.
  • Tarun Plus: Covering loans above ₹10 lakh and up to ₹20 lakh for those entrepreneurs who have availed and successfully repaid a previous loan under ‘Tarun’ category.
Maximum Period allowed
  • Working Capital: One Year repayable on demand.
  • Term Loan: Maximum repayment period up to 7 years.
  • Primary Security: The assets created out of the credit facility so extended and/or existing unencumbered assets which are directly associated with the project or business for which the credit facility has been extended.
  • Collateral Security: The security norms as per Bank norms, where the facilities are not covered under CGFMU.
  • For Shishu category (loans up to ₹50,000/-): 10%.
  • For Kishore, Tarun, and Tarun Plus: Minimum 25% margin as per Bank norms.
Rate of Interest ROI as prescribed in HO RMD Circular No. 518/2024-25 dated 30-09-2024 and subsequent amendments from time to time.
3. Stand up India Scheme
Eligibility Any Individual (SC/ST or Women) or Enterprise (shareholding 51% to SC/ST or Women) for setting up a Greenfield enterprise.
Quantum of Finance Composite loan (TL + WC) from Rs.10 Lakh to Rs.100 Lakh
Margin Minimum 10%
ROI Click Here
Repayment Max. 7 year with max. 18-month moratorium
Security / Guarantee To be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme for Stand Up India (CGSSI) or Collateral security as per Bank norms
Borrower Individual(s) / Sole Proprietorship / Partnership firm/ HUF/ Joint Stock Company or any other entity engaged in activities covered under MSME.
Purpose To meet the temporary liquidity mismatch.
  • Existing customers, having working capital Limit up to Rs.5 Crore only
  • Account to be standard.
  • SMA-0 and SMA-1accounts are also eligible under the scheme.

The customers having availed fund based working capital facility from our Bank are only eligible under this scheme.

Quantum of Finance Max. up to 25% of the existing working capital limit (FBWC+NFBWC) up to Max of Rs.1.25 Crore
Margin NIL
ROI 0.50% above the rate of interest applicable to existing working capital limit.
Repayment maximum of 12 Months
Processing Fees NIL on the proposed limit
5. PSB PMEGP Scheme
  • Any individual, above 18 years of age
  • For setting up of project costing above Rs.10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 lakh in the business /service sector, the beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass educational qualification.
  • Self Help Groups
  • Existing Units (Under PMRY, REGP or any other scheme of Government of India or State Government) and the units that have already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme of Government of India or state Government are not eligible.
Object To generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/micro enterprises.
Quantum of Finance
  • The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under manufacturing sector is Rs. 50 lakh.
  • The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under business/service sector is Rs. 20 lakh.
Margin General Category – upto 10%, Special Category – upto 05%
ROI As per extant Bank guidelines based on the purpose of advance.
Repayment <3 to 7 years
Security No collateral security will be insisted upon by Banks in line with the guidelines of RBI for projects involving loan upto Rs.10 lakh
Subsidy General Category – upto 25%, Special Category – upto 35%
Apply online
6. PSB Commercial Vehicle
Purpose For purchase of New Commercial Vehicles like, Buses, Trucks, Tankers, Tempos, Taxi, Four/ Three wheelers, and any other vehicles of mass transportation subject to the condition that the vehicle is approved by the competent authority for commercial purposes.

Individuals, proprietorship/partnership firm/ Limited company, trust, society, associations owning and operating or proposing to own and operate transport vehicles for carrying passengers or goods on hire.

The borrower (s) either hold the necessary driving license or engage driver (s) possessing valid license to operate the type of vehicle for which credit is sought.

The borrower (s) should have been granted a permit by an appropriate authority to ply vehicle(s) for passengers or goods traffic for hire.

Quantum of Finance

80% of the cost of vehicle (pre-assembled/ cost of chassis/ cost of body/ cost of chassis & cost of body), onetime Registration Charges & Road Tax, and Insurance Charges.

Maximum limit that can be sanctioned under the scheme is Rs 5.00 Crore.


20% margin on cost of vehicle (pre-assembled/ cost of chassis/ cost of body/ cost of chassis & cost of body), onetime Registration Charges & Road Tax, and Insurance Charges.

The borrower should bring in the required margin money.

DSCR Minimum Net DSCR (debt service coverage ratio) requirement shall be 1.25:1
Rate of Interest Please click here For rate of interest
Processing Fee 1.00% of the loan amount + GST (at the time of sanction only)
Repayment of Loan

Moratorium Period: Maximum 6 Months from the date of disbursement of loan.

Loan to be repaid in Equated Monthly Instalments (EMIs) in Maximum 5 Years(exclusive of moratorium period, if any)

Primary Security Hypothecation of the vehicle to be purchased.
Collateral Security

Loan amount up to Rs. 10 lakhs: Collateral Security is not required.

Loan amount above Rs.10 lakhs upto Rs.25 lakhs:

  • Suitable collateral security to the extent of minimum 25% of the sanctioned amount. (Except for cases covered under CGTMSE)


Loan amount above Rs.25.00 lakhs:

  • Suitable collateral security to the extent of minimum 50% of the sanctioned amount. (Except for cases covered under CGTMSE)



Guarantor should enjoy good reputation in the market/field along with networth of atleast 200% of loan amount.

  • Third party guarantee / guarantee of earning family member for loans up-to Rs.10 lakhs, if not covered under CGTMSE
  • For cases above Rs.10 lakhs Guarantee may be waived in the cases covered under CGTMSE or where collateral is offered.
  • Guarantee of the property owner (if other than borrower) must be obtained in all the cases where collateral is offered.
Prepayment Charges The borrower may opt to prepay / adjust the loan from his own verifiable legitimate sources or genuine sale without attracting any penalty, except take-over of the loan by other bank/ FI/ NBFC, which would attract prepayment @1% of the balance loan amount.
Penal Interest @ 2% over and above the contracted rate shall be charged for any default in repayment on loan installment as per fixed repayment schedule.
7. PSB Doctors Special
Purpose Setting up/ acquiring/ construction/ Expansion/ renovation of clinics, Hospitals/ Pathological/ Clinical Labs, Scan/ Diagnostic Centers/ Physiotherapy centers, Nursing Homes, Sanatorium etc. including furniture fixture and equipments and for purchase of vehicles, ambulances, computers etc.
Eligibility Medical Practitioners registered with statutory bodies like, MCI, DCI,CCIM, CCH etc. and having minimum qualification MBBS/BDS/BPT/BAMS or equivalent professional degree.
Quantum of Loan Minimum: Rs 5 Lakhs,
Maximum: Rs 5 Crores

Working capital facility be restricted to maximum of Rs.20 Lakh.

Margin Term Loan:
(i) 25% for purchase of equipment/machinery/vehicles


(ii) 35% for acquisition of premises/expansion/renovation/modernization


Working Capital:

(i)25% on stocks


(ii)40% on book debts

Commercial Vehicle

15% of on-road price inclusive of one time road tax, registration & insurance

Security Hypothecation of assets to be purchased/acquired with the help of Bank’s finance.
Mortgage of business premises if financed by the Bank. <

Hypothecation of Stocks/book debts

Collateral Security Upto Rs 10 Lakhs: No third party guarantee/collateral security is required and the same shall be covered under CGTSME.
Above Rs 10 Lakhs to Rs 200 Lakhs: Collateral Security by way of immovable property or liquid securities such as deposits,NSC,surrender value of LIC policies equivalent to 100% of the total exposure. Or else the loan may be covered under CGTMSE.

Above Rs 200 Lakhs to Rs 500 Lakhs: Collateral Security by way of immovable property or liquid securities such as deposits,NSC,surrender value of LIC policies equivalent to 100% of the total exposure

Rate of Interest Click here
Concession for Women/ST/SC Doctors ROl concession of 0.20 % may be applicable for Women/ST/SC applicants where:


(i) Doctor is sole applicant.


(ii)In case of partnership firm/LLP/companies/Trusts, minimum 51% of shareholding/stake is held by the Women/ST/SC doctor(s).

Guarantee No guarantee required, if covered under CGTMSE. In other cases, guarantee of Spouse/major children/partners/directors/trustees/suitable third party be invariable obtained.

Personal guarantee of partners/directors should be invariably taken in all cases irrespective of coverage under credit guarantee scheme.

If the owner of the mortgaged property is other than borrower, the guarantee of the property owner must be obtained.

Processing Fee Click here
Repayment For Term Loan: Maximum 7 years including moratorium period of 2 years/construction period in case of new construction.
For Working Capital: Repayable on demand.
Additional Benefits: Locker Rent Concession: 50% concession on locker rent for self and spouse for first two years, who avail loan under this scheme.
8. PSB Mortgage
Purpose This is an all purpose credit facility i.e. to meet legitimate need based expenses viz- marriage /medical /educational expenses / repairs / renovation / extension to the residence / commercial property/ purchase of consumer durables or any unforeseen expenses, and also for investment in business, to meet credit needs of trade, commercial activities, other bona fide requirements of business/ profession
  • Business Concerns (MSME) & Salaried Individuals who are income tax assesses;
  • Partnership firms, Proprietary firms, Companies (Pvt./Public Ltd.), HUFs, Trusts, Societies, NRIs (subject to compliance of guidelines of Bank & RBI)
  • Age limit: Min 18 yrs, Max 65 yrs and owning residential/ commercial property.
  • Credit facility against agricultural property is strictly not permitted. Credit facility shall not be permitted against security of immovable property wherein Educational/ Religious Institutions are located. Vacant land may preferably be not taken as security under the scheme.
  • In case of Firms/Companies & Trusts, credit facility may be considered against the property owned by Partner/Director/Trustee
  • The property of following close relatives may be considered subject to becoming of their co-borrower in the facility
Spouse Father Mother Son Son’s Wife
Daughter Daughter’s Husband Brother Brother’s Wife Sister
Sister’s Husband Spouse’s Brother Spouse’s Sister Spouse’s Mother Spouse’s Father
Quantum of Finance Minimum:

For MSME: Above Rs. 10 lakh

Non MSME: Rs.5 lakh




Rs.1000 lakh

Quantum of Finance is subject to For salaried persons: Maximum 10 times of average net annual income based on salary slip (last 12 months)/ latest Form No.16 or ITR.

For others: Maximum 10 times of average net annual income based on ITR for last 3 Financial Years.
  • MPBF is subject to maximum of 50% of realizable value of immovable property.
  • Security in the form of NSCs (Margin 25%) /Bank’s Own Deposits (Margin 10%) /LIC Policies (Margin 10%) may be taken to supplement the overall security requirements.
  • The income of the spouse / major sons may be added if he/she is a co-borrower.
  • In case of Firms/ Companies/ Trusts/ HUF, Partners/ Directors/ Trustees/ Co-parceners with regular & independent income may join as co-borrower to supplement repayment capacity.
  • Cash accruals/ Depreciation may also be added to income, in case of borrowers other than salaried class.
Rate of Interest Click here
Processing Charges:  Click here


Repayment For Term Loan: Maximum 15 years
For Overdraft Facility: Repayable on demand. The limit once sanctioned will hold good for 3 years.
The overdraft facility is not allowed for salaried class borrowers.
Guarantee Not Mandatory
Concession in ROI for MSMEs Only
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI for cases, where external credit rating is 1 to 4 by SMERA, ICRA, ONICRA or CRISIL
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI if account is classified under Priority Sector Advances. 
9. PSB Vyapar
Purpose For the working capital/any business purpose requirements of the business concern.
And also, for the construction of shop in the pre-owned land or for purchase of ready built shop/ commercial space for business
  • Retail Traders/Wholesale Traders
  • Contractors
  • Professional and self employed
  • Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Service/ Manufacturing concerns

(Borrowers satisfactorily engaged in trading/ business activity for a period atleast 1 year prior to seeking credit under the scheme and having earned cash profit during the period )

  • Newly Established Entity /Venture are also eligible for credit facilities under the scheme based on merits and on a case to case basis.
  • Credit facility against agricultural property is strictly not permitted. Credit facility shall not be permitted against security of immovable property wherein Educational/ Religious Institutions are located. Vacant land may preferably be not taken as security under the scheme.
  • The property of following close relatives may be considered subject to becoming of their co-borrower in the facility
Spouse Father Mother Son Son’s Wife
Daughter Daughter’s Husband Brother Brother’s Wife Sister
Sister’s Husband Spouse’s Brother Spouse’s Sister Spouse’s Mother Spouse’s Father
Quantum of Finance Minimum: Above Rs 10 lacs,
Maximum: Rs 1000 lacs.
Quantum of Finance is subject to
  • MPBF can be upto 20% of the projected turnover subject to the condition that projected turnover shall not exceed 25% annual turnover of the previous year. Or, Maximum Permissible Bank Finance can be upto 25% of the actual turnover.
  • MPBF is subject to maximum of 65% of realizable value of immovable property.
  • Security in the form of NSCs (Margin 25%) /Bank’s Own Deposits (Margin 10%) /LIC Policies (Margin 10%) may be taken to supplement the overall security requirements.
Rate of Interest Click here
Processing charges:  Click here
Repayment Term Loan:Repayable in maximum upto 10 years, including moratorium period of maximum of 12 M
Working Capital Term Loan: Repayable in maximum upto 5 years, subject to annual review.
Overdraft Facility: Repayable on demand. Interest shall be recovered immediately when due.
Guarantee Personal guarantee of owners of property, spouse/ major son of prop., directors/partners
Concession in ROI for MSMEs Only
  • Concession of 1.00% in RoI for cases, where realizable value of security offered as primary security to the credit facility is available to the tune of 200% or more.
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI for cases, where external credit rating is 1 to 4 by SMERA, ICRA, ONICRA or CRISIL
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI if account is classified under Priority Sector Advances. 
The maximum concessions in RoI under any of the Scheme shall not exceed 1.25% in any case.
10. PSB SME Liquid Plus
Purpose To provide timely, hassle-free and adequate credit delivery to meet the liquidity mis-matches and expenses incurred on activities like R&D, Product Development, Marketing and Branding, stocking the seasonally available raw material etc.
  • Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises engaged in the manufacturing and services sector.
  • The existing MSMEs with good track record as well as new MSMEs having satisfactory Due Diligence Report.
  • The MSMEs may be an Individual, Proprietor, Partnership firm, Private/Public Limited Company, Co-operative Society.
Credit facility against agricultural property is strictly not permitted. Credit facility shall not be permitted against security of immovable property wherein Educational/ Religious Institutions are located. Vacant land may preferably be not taken as security under the scheme.
  • The property of following close relatives may be considered subject to becoming of their co-borrower in the facility
Spouse Father Mother Son Son’s Wife
Daughter Daughter’s Husband Brother Brother’s Wife Sister
Sister’s Husband Spouse’s Brother Spouse’s Sister Spouse’s Mother Spouse’s Father
  • With a view to restrict the practice of diversions of funds and misutilization of the credit facilities availed from the Bank by the business concerns to strengthen their financials with other banks, it is advised that for the customers availing credit facilities under the PSB SME Liquid Plus Schemes, the pre condition shall be to maintain the Working Credit Limit accounts with our Bank only and not with any other bank/financial institution
Quantum of Finance Minimum: Rs 10 lacs  Maximum Rs.500 lacs
Quantum of Finance is subject to
  • Need based credit facility with maximum of 65% of realizable value of immovable property.
  • The running account component is restricted to Rs 2 Cr within the overall limit, however term loan as single component can be considered upto Rs 5 Cr.
  • Security in the form of NSCs (Margin 25%) /Bank’s Own Deposits (Margin 10%) /LIC Policies (Margin 10%) may be taken to supplement the overall security requirements.
Rate of Interest Click here
Processing Charges:  Click here


Repayment For Term Loan: Maximum upto 7 years.
For Overdraft: Repayable on demand. Interest shall be recovered immediately when due.
Guarantee Personal guarantee of owners of property, spouse/ major son of prop., directors/partners
Concession in ROI for MSMEs Only
  • Concession of 1.00% in RoI for cases, where realizable value of security offered as primary security to the credit facility is available to the tune of 200% or more.
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI for cases, where external credit rating is 1 to 4 by SMERA, ICRA, ONICRA or CRISIL
  • Concession of 0.25% in RoI if account is classified under Priority Sector Advances.
The maximum concessions in RoI under any of the Scheme shall not exceed 1.25% in any case.
11. PSB Contractor Plus


a) Working capital: Fund Based & NFB facilities limits to meet day to day requirement / materials / labour payment / statutory payments.

b) Term Loan: For purchase of Plant & Machinery / Equipment / Transport Vehicles to be used for the execution of contract work.

c) Bank Guarantee: For bidding of tenders, mobilization of advance money, performance of the contract, guarantee in favour of Central / State Govt & its various departments and reputed Pvt. / Ltd. companies, guarantee for release of retention money.


  • MSME units engaged in the Contractor/ Subcontractor activity.
  • Sub-contractors executing work on behalf of main contractors are also eligible under this provided sub letting is through registered agreement and all required permission and licenses / registration are available.
  • Borrowers can be Individual(s) / Sole Proprietorship / Partnership firm/ HUF/Joint Venture/Joint Stock Company or any other entity engaged in this line of activity.


Nature of Credit facility

Working Capital facility: Overdraft against property (ODP).

Term Loan

Non Fund:   Bank guarantee

Quantum of Finance

Minimum:              Rs 10.00 Lakh

Maximum:             Rs 2000.00 Lakh


80% of the realizable value of the property mortgaged

Rate of Interest

Click here


Equitable mortgage of  immoveable property . 80% of the realizable value of the property mortgaged


ODP                : On demand.

Term Loan     : Repayment in maximum upto 10 years

BG                   : Tenor of BG not to exceed 10 years.

Processing charges:

Click here

                 PSB Flexi Term Loan

Type of facility

PSB Flexi Term Loan is a pre approved term loan, bundled with PSB Contractor Plus, with an aim to provide term loan assistance to contractors in a smooth and hassle free manner.



  • All MSME credit constituents having satisfactory credit history of minimum 1year with bank and having working capital facility backed by property as primary or collateral.
  • PSB flexi term loan will be sanctioned with working capital limit under PSB Contractor Plus of Rs.1.00 Crore and above.



Term loan for purchase of machinery, equipment, commercial vehicles, furniture & fixture.

Quantum of Finance

Term loan of maximum 25% of the working capital limit.




Repayment Period

 5 years (60 EMI).

Processing Charges

One time charges of 1.00% at the time of disbursement.

Rate of Interest

One Year MCLR + 2.00%

Purpose To provide hassle free credit to meet working capital requirements related to business activity or for expansion of business.
  • Business entities which are individuals, firms, companies, Limited Liability Partnership, Co-operative Societies, dealing in those business activities, which are not prohibited by law.
  • GST registered units which have filed GST returns at least for the last six months.
Nature of Loan Cash Credit
Credit Limit
Minimum Amt: Above Rs 10.00 Lakh
Maximum Amt: Rs 1000.00 Lakh
Margin NIL
Collateral Security CGTMSE guarantee coverage of upto 50% under hybrid model or Minimum 100% Collateral security in the shape of SARFAESI enforceable immovable property or Bank approved liquid security.
ROI Click here
Repayment One Year. However, limit to be renewed annually.
Purpose To assist self-employed professional persons, firms, associations and joint ventures of such professional persons having professional degree/diploma/certification.
Eligibility Professionals in any discipline viz. Engineers, Architects, Interior Designers, Fashion Designer, Photographers, Financial Consultants (CA/ICWA/CS/CFA), Advocates and specialized qualified service providers.
Age of Borrower
Minimum age – 21 years.
Maximum age should not exceed 65 years at the time of maturity of loan.
Nature & quantum of Loan
Cash Credit/Overdraft: Limit up to Rs 100.00 Lakh
Term Loan: Need based (Maximum Rs 200 Lakh)
Maximum Cumulative Exposure: Rs. 200.00 Lakh
Margin 25%
Collateral Security Credit guarantee Scheme or 100% Collateral Security in the shape of immovable property/liquid security.
ROI Click here
14. PSB Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD)
  • To provide Sub-Debt support in respect of restructuring of MSMEs.
Target Group
  • MSME enterprises (defined under MSME Act) such as Individuals / Proprietorship, LLP, Partnership, Private Limited Company or registered company.
  • All Existing MSME borrower / entities who are stressed viz. SMA2 and NPA accounts as on 30.04.2020 and are eligible for restructuring (as per RBI guidelines) and are commercially viable as per the assessment of the banks.
  • The Scheme is applicable for those MSMEs whose accounts were standard as on 31.03.2018 and are in regular operations, either as standard accounts, or as NPA accounts during financial year 2018-19 and financial year 2019-20. However, if the unit is not running now and is closed, the facility shall not be considered.
Nature of Loan
Term Loan
Quantum of Loan
15 % of Promoter(s) stake in the MSME entity (equity plus debt) or Rs.75 lakh whichever is lower
Collateral Security & Margin
  • 2nd charge on the securities held with bank for the existing MSME facilities for the entire tenor of the PSB- CGSSD loan.
  • 10% of the sub-debt limit to be brought by Promoters as margin/collateral.
  • • No Guarantee for the facility sanctioned under the scheme.
  • The maximum tenor for repayment will be 10 years with a moratorium period of 7 years (maximum) on the payment of principal.
  • Till the 7th year, only interest will be payable.
15. PSB Scheme for Financing Start-Ups backed by Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS)
  • To finance eligible borrowers being Startups backed by the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS) provided by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Limited (NCGTC).
Target Group
  • Startup as recognized by DPIIT as per Gazette Notifications issued from time to time*
Nature of Loan Fund-based and Non-fund based facilities
Credit Limit Minimum: Rs 10 Lakhs
Maximum: Rs 50.00 crore
Margin Minimum 25%
Collateral Security* To be covered under Credit Guarantee Scheme for Startups (CGSS) provided by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Limited (NCGTC).
Repayment Term loan: Repayable in 10 years
Working Capital: One year, repayable on demand.




  1. Purchase of new equipments, machines, moveable assets  for captive used or used as service provider are eligible for Finance. The major Categories of Equipment includes:- Earth moving Equipment, Construction Vehicles, Other Construction Equipment , Material Handling Equipment , Medical &  Laboratory Equipments
  2. Reimbursement for Equipment’s purchased in last 3 months may also be considered. This facility is only for Existing Borrowers with no delinquency beyond SMA-0 category in last 12 months.

Eligible Borrowers

Individual (Age –Min 21 Years & Max 70 Years at Expiry of Loan Tenure)


Sole Proprietorship /LLP/Partnership firm/Companies /JV


Note-Following entities not allowed as Borrowers:- Trust, associations, Societies, HUF, entity where HUF as proprietor/ partner are not eligible.


Non Resident Nationals are not eligible under this scheme.

Nature & Quantum of Loan


  • Term Loan
  • Stand By Line of Credit for a maximum period of 12 months backed by  Term Loan, for borrowers having Internal Rating of PSB 1-4 only.
  • LC may be sanctioned as sub limit of term loan in case of import of Equipment.


Quantum :- Minimum :   Rs     10.00 Lakhs

                   Maximum :- Rs 1000.00 Lakhs

Maximum Period allowed  

7 years (including 6 Months Moratorium)


For Purchase :- 20% on Cost of Equipment


For Reimbursement:- 40% on Cost of Equipment


Primary:- Hypo of assets created out of bank finance

Collateral:- Security equivalent to loan amount/ CGTMSE (covered up to Rs.500 lac)

Take Over Charges


Pre-payment of loan is permitted at no additional charge /penalty to the borrower, if it is repaid from its own sources. However, in case of closure of credit facilities on account of takeover by any other Bank/NBFC, takeover charges on the outstanding amount is to be charged for closure as under:

Closure of account

Pre-Payment charge to be levied

Within a period of 1 year


After 1 year





To finance qualified medical practitioner

i.  For buying equipments.

ii. Setting up/ acquiring/ construction/ Expansion/ renovation of clinics, Hospitals/ Pathological/ Clinical Labs, Diagnostic Centers/ Physiotherapy centers, Nursing Homes, etc. including furniture fixture.

iii. Expansion/renovation/ modernization of existing premises.


Purchase of Vehicle/ ambulances/ lifesaver ambulances etc may be provided under Vehicle loan facility separately under the same scheme.


  1. Medical Practitioners registered with statutory bodies like, MCI, DCI, CCIM, CCH etc. and having minimum qualification MBBS/BDS/BPT/ BAMS or equivalent professional degree.
  2.  Age Group :
  • 25 - 65 years.


3.  Minimum 3 years experience.

       4. Must be tax assesse for last 2 years.

Quantum of Loan

Minimum: Rs 5 lakhs


  • :   Rs. 500 lakhs


Working capital facility be restricted to maximum of Rs 20 lakhs

Nature of Loan

Term Loan, Working Capital, Commercial Vehicle Loan


  • Term Loan:


  • 25% for purchase of equipment/ machinery etc.
  • 35% for acquisition of premises and/ or expansion/ renovation/ modernization of existing premises.


  • Working Capital:


  • 25% on stocks
  • 40% on book debts.


  • Commercial Vehicle- 15% of on-road price inclusive of one time road tax, registration & insurance 


Hypothecation of assets to be purchased/acquired with the help of Bank’s finance.
Mortgage of business premises if financed by the Bank.

Hypothecation of Stocks/book debts

Collateral Security

Upto Rs 10 Lakhs: No third party guarantee/collateral security is required and the same shall be covered under CGTSME.
Above Rs 10 Lakhs to Rs 200 Lakhs: Collateral Security by way of immovable property or liquid securities such as deposits, NSC, surrender value of LIC policies equivalent to 100% of the total exposure. Or else the loan may be covered under CGTMSE.

Above Rs 200 Lakhs to Rs 500 Lakhs: Collateral Security by way of immovable property or liquid securities such as deposits,NSC,surrender value of LIC policies equivalent to 100% of the total exposure

Concession for Women/ST/SC Doctors

ROl concession of 0.20 % may be applicable for Women/ST/SC applicants where:

(i) Doctor is sole applicant. 

(ii)In case of partnership firm/LLP/companies/Trusts, minimum 51% of shareholding/stake is held by the Women/ST/SC doctor(s).


No guarantee required, if covered under CGTMSE. In other cases, guarantee of Spouse/major children/partners/directors/trustees/suitable third party be invariable obtained.

Personal guarantee of partners/directors should be invariably taken in all cases irrespective of coverage under credit guarantee scheme.

If the owner of the mortgaged property is other than borrower, the guarantee of the property owner must be obtained.

Processing Fee

Loan upto Rs.50 lakhs: 0.25% of loan amount +GST


Loan above Rs.50 lakhs and upto Rs. 500 lakhs: 0.50% of loan amount +GST



Term Loan: One Time upfront charges at the time of sanction only.

Working capital facility: Upfront at the time of sanction and on annual renewal.


For Term Loan: Maximum 7 years including moratorium period of 2 years/construction period in case of new construction.
For Working Capital: Repayable on demand.

Additional Benefits:

Locker Rent Concession: 50% concession on locker rent for self and spouse for first two years, who avail loan under this scheme.

18. PSB SME Liquid Plus


To provide timely, hassle-free and adequate credit delivery to meet the liquidity mis-matches and expenses incurred on activities like R&D, Product Development, Marketing and Branding, stocking the seasonally available raw material etc.


  • Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises engaged in the manufacturing and services sector.
  • The existing MSMEs with good track record as well as new MSMEs having satisfactory Due Diligence Report.
  • The MSMEs may be an Individual, Proprietor, Partnership firm, Private/Public Limited Company, Co-operative Society.

Credit facility against agricultural property is strictly not permitted. Credit facility shall not be permitted against security of immovable property wherein Educational/ Religious Institutions are locatedVacant land may preferably be not taken as security under the scheme.

  • The property of following close relatives may be considered subject to becoming of their co-borrower in the facility





Son’s Wife


Daughter’s Husband


Brother’s Wife


Sister’s Husband

Spouse’s Brother

Spouse’s Sister

Spouse’s Mother

Spouse’s Father

  • With a view to restrict the practice of diversions of funds and misutilization of the credit facilities availed from the Bank by the business concerns to strengthen their financials with other banks, it is advised that for the customers availing credit facilities under the PSB SME Liquid Plus Schemes, the precondition shall be to maintain the Working Credit Limit accounts with our Bank only and not with any other bank/financial institution

Quantum of Finance

Minimum: above Rs 10 lacs ,Maximum Rs.500 lacs

Quantum of Finance is subject to margin available

  • Need based credit facility with maximum of 75% of realizable value of immovable property.
  • The running account component is restricted to Rs 2 Cr within the overall limit, however term loan as single component can be considered upto Rs 5 Cr.
  • Security in the form of NSCs (Margin 25%) /Bank’s Own Deposits (Margin 10%) /LIC Policies (Margin 10%) may be taken to supplement the overall security requirements.

Rate of Interest

Click here for Rate of Interest

Processing Charges: 

For Term Loan:  @1% of the loan amount with Minimum of Rs.2000/-

For Overdraft Facility: @ 0.50% of limit sanctioned and to be collected on sanction and at the time of renewal every year.


For Term Loan: Maximum upto 7 years.

For Overdraft: Repayable on demand. Interest shall be recovered immediately when due.


Personal guarantee of owners of property, spouse/ major son of prop., directors/partners

Concession in ROI for MSME Only

  • Concession of 1.00% in RoI for cases, where realizable value of security offered as primary security to the credit facility is available to the tune of 200% or more.


19. PSB Vyapar Loan




a)for the working capital/any business purpose requirements of the business concern


b) for the construction of shop in the pre-owned land or for purchase of ready built shop/ commercial space for business or for purchase of shop/ commercial space under construction for own business purpose.



Eligibility Criteria

  • Retail Traders/Wholesale Traders
  • Contractors
  • Professional and self employed
  • Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Service/ Manufacturing concerns.
  • Borrowers can be Individual(s) / Sole Proprietorship / Partnership firm/ HUF/ Joint Stock Company or any other entity engaged in trading/business activity.


  • Newly Established Entity /Venture are also eligible for credit facilities under the scheme based on merits.


Type of facility:

Overdraft/Working Capital Term Loan/Term Loan.


Quantum of Finance

  • Minimum: Above Rs. 10 lakh
  • Maximum Rs.1000 lakh




35% of realizable value of immovable property for construction/purchase of shop

  • Security in the form of NSCs (Margin 25%) /Bank’s Own Deposits (Margin 10%) /LIC Policies (Margin 10%) may be taken to supplement the overall security requirements.




In case the properties offered as security, personal guarantee of all such owners /co-owners.

In case of sole proprietorship concerns guarantee of wife/major son(s) and in case of companies, guarantee of directors of the company to be taken. In case of Firm/ Companies, guarantee of Partners/ Directors is mandatory.




For Term Loan: Repayable in maximum up to 10 years, including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months, subject to annual review.

For Working Capital Term Loan: Repayable in maximum up to 5 years, subject to annual review.

For Overdraft Facility: Repayable on demand. Credit facility is subject to annual review/renewal. Interest shall be recovered immediately when due.


Prepayment Charges



Processing fee

For Term Loan/ Working Capital Term Loan:  @1% of the loan amount with Minimum of Rs.2000/-.

For Overdraft Facility: @ 0.50% of limit sanctioned and to be collected on sanction and at the time of renewal every year.


Documentation charges

Actual expenses with respect to charges for property legal opinion, index, valuation, mortgage fee and stamp papers etc.



To provide financial assistance to enable the women members of Self-Help Group (SHG) to become Lakhpati Didi.



Women members of Self-Help Group (SHG)



Term Loan & Working Capital



Minimum: Rs.10000/-

Maximum : Rs 500000/-





Primary Security: created out of Bank finance (present and future).

  Collateral Security: covered under CGTMSE



Maximum 60 Months



Repo %

Markup %



Effective EBLR %







Interest Subvention

  • Prompt repayment of credit shall be provided 2% interest Interest subvention will be provided on loans upto Rs 1.5 lakh per borrower only once and upto to a maximum duration of 3 years.




  • Scheme is applicable only in Jalandhar, Ludhiana ,Chandigarh (Punjab)
  • Individuals /Proprietorship/Partnership/Limited Liability  Partnership (LLP)/ Pvt Ltd Co/Public Ltd Co /Trust /Societies & Cooperative Societies (  registered & Incorporated  under applicable law) having valid Udyam Registration.


Working Capital :- FB & NFB /Fund Based.

Term Loan:- Purchase of Unit/Shop/Office/Godown, Plant & Machinery /Equipment

                   For Construction of buildings in the pre owned land, acquisition of

                   factory land and building as well as factory land with building under


Any other purpose whereby asset is created out of Bank’s Finance for

the purpose of running the business. For Creation of Fixed Assets/P &

M /Equipment

Quantum of Loan

Above 10 Lakh

Maximum:- Need Based.

Maximum Period allowed

Term Loan :- Up to 10 years including moratorium period of 12 Months

Working Capital:- Working Capital Limit (FB & NFB) including ODP limit for one year

Working Capital Term Loan:- overall MPBF assessed for 5 Years

Processing Charges 

As per Bank Policy 1% of Loan amount + GST (One Time Applicable at the time of Sanction only)

One time Composite charges

One time composite Charges only ( No other charges which otherwise levied on ongoing basis)


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

CLUTL –Term Loan

CLUCC & CLUOD – Cash Credit & Overdraft





  1. Purchase of new equipments, machines, moveable assets for captive used or used as service provider are eligible for Finance. The major Categories of Equipment includes:- Earth moving Equipment, Construction Vehicles, Other Construction Equipment , Material Handling Equipment , Medical &  Laboratory Equipments
  2. Reimbursement for Equipment’s purchased in last 3 months may also be considered. This facility is only for Existing Borrowers with no delinquency beyond SMA-0 category in last 12 months.

Eligible Borrowers

Individual (Age –Min 21 Years & Max 70 Years at Expiry of Loan Tenure)

Nature & Quantum of Loan


  • Term Loan:- Minimum Rs 10.00 Lakhs & Maximum Rs 1000 Lakhs
  • Stand By Line of Credit for a maximum period of 12 months backed by Term Loan, for borrowers having Internal Rating of PSB 1-4 only.
  • LC as sub limit of term loan in case of import of Equipment.


Maximum Period allowed

7 years (including 6 Months Moratorium)


For Purchase :- 20% on Cost of Equipment

For Reimbursement:- 40% on Cost of Equipment


Processing Charges

As per Bank Policy 1% of Loan amount + GST (One Time Applicable at the time of Sanction only)

One time Composite charges

One time composite Charges only ( No other charges which otherwise levied on ongoing basis)


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

TLEQP –MSME Borrowers

TLEQN- NON MSME/Corporate Borrowers





Finance for Green Projects/activities which encourages energy efficiency in resource utilization, reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, promote climate resilience and/or adaptation and values and improve natural ecosystems and biodiversity

Eligible Borrowers

  • Individuals/ Proprietorship/ Partnership/ Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) / Pvt. Ltd. Co. / Public Ltd. Co & any other legal entity having valid Udyam Registration.


  • Cash credit/Overdraft limit to meet the working capital requirements
  • Term Loan (For Creation of Fixed Assets/P&M/Equipment/ Etc.)
  • Non-fund (LC/BG)
  • Stand by Line of Credit: To meet the temporary liquidity mismatch

Quantum of Loan

  • Minimum: Above ₹ 10.00 Lakh
  • Maximum: Need Based

Maximum Period allowed  

  • Working Capital: One year, repayable on demand.
  • Term Loan: Up to 10 years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.


As per HO RMD circular no. 518/2024-25 dated 30-09-2024 and subsequent amendments

Scheme Codes:-

Term Loan: PGGTL

Cash Credit: PGGCC

Overdraft: PGGOD





The MSE-SPICE Scheme aims to encourage Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) to adopt Circular Economy practices, focusing on sectors like Plastic, Rubber, and Electronics Waste Management to comply with international environmental goals and improve operational efficiency which enables MSEs to comply with Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) and waste Recycling targets set for Industries.

SIDBI has been designated as the implementing agency of the scheme.

Eligible Borrowers

MSE units engaged in waste Recycling plants /Circular Economy Projects in the following sectors:

Plastic, Rubber, Electronic waste, Municipal solid waste & Liquid waste, Compressed Biogas, Lithium –ion Batteries, End to Life Vehicles, Scrap metal-Ferrous and Non Ferrous, Solar Panels, Gypsum, toxic Hazardous industrial waste, used oil waste.

Only Brownfield units are eligible to be covered under MSE-SPICE   scheme.


Term Loan


Quantum of Loan

Upto Rs 500.00 Lakhs

Maximum Period allowed  

Up to 10 years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.

Key Components of the scheme

Capital subsidy upto Rs. 12.50 Lakhs


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

Term Loan –TLSPC

25. PSB MSME Green Investment and Financing for Transformation Scheme (MSME-GIFT Scheme)




To provide support to the MSMEs in accessing institutional finance at a concessional rate for adopting clean / green technologies and help them to transform into green and sustainable business operations.

SIDBI has been designated as the implementing agency of the scheme.

Eligible Borrowers

The firms engaged in following activities:-

  • Greenhouse gas Reduction [Carbon, Methane & Others)
  • Climate Change adaptation
  • Sustainable use and protection of water
  • Transition to a circular economy
  • Pollution Prevention and Control
  • Protection and restoration of biodiversity and the ecosystem.
  • Projects in pollution control, recycling & reuse, energy efficiency, climate change, natural resource efficiency, and environment management and Social (S) – working conditions, local communities, conflict, health and safety, employee relations, and diversity.


Term Loan

Quantum of Loan

Above Rs. 10.00 Lakhs upto Rs1000.00 Lakhs

Maximum Period allowed  

Up to 5 years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.

Key Components and Size of the scheme

  1. Interest Subvention Component: 2% interest subvention per annum for a maximum of 5 years on term loans up to INR 2 crores
  2. Risk Sharing Facility: Partial Credit Guarantee of 75% of the loan up to INR 2 crores


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

Term Loan –TLGIF





MSME Clusters  identified by the  Bank

 List of MSME Clusters identified by the Bank along with the respective regions/zones (ODOP) Annexure I and as per the list updated from time to time by Govt of India, Ministry of Food  & Processing. Web link :-



  • Individuals/Proprietorship/Partnership/Limited Liability  Partnership (LLP)/ Pvt Ltd Co/Public Ltd Co /Trust /Societies & Cooperative Societies (  registered & Incorporated  under applicable law) having valid Udyam Registration.


  • New Customer as well as Existing Borrowers who are dealing with our Bank since 2 years or above are permitted to be switched over to this scheme subject to ensure compliance


  • Accounts which have been in SMA-1 & SMA-2 category in the past 12 months are not be considered.


  • Working Capital :- Support for Food & Agro Processing Units


  • Term Loan:- Purchase of Unit/Shop/Office/Godown, Plant & Machinery /Equipment, for Construction of buildings in the pre owned land, acquisition of factory land  and building as well as factory land with building under construction

    Any other purpose whereby asset is created out of Bank’s Finance for the

   purpose of running the business.


  • Non Fund Based Limit (LC /BG):- Bank Guarantee & Letter of credit.

Quantum of Loan

Above 10 Lakh Maximum:- Up to Rs 100.00 Crore (CC +TL + Non Fund) 

Maximum Period allowed

Cash Credit & Overdraft :- One Year(subject to annual renewal)


Term Loan:- Up to 10 years including moratorium period of max 12 months.

Processing Charges

 As per Bank Policy 1% of Loan Amount + GST

One time Composite charges

One time composite Charges only ( No other charges which otherwise levied on ongoing basis)


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

ODPTL –Term Loan

ODP CC & ODP OD – Cash Credit & Overdraft





Facility under the scheme shall be provided for the following purposes for genuine business needs , not prohibited by the applicable law:

  1. Term Loan for the following  purposes:
  • Purchase/Construction/Renovation of Business Premises, Factory/Offices/Shop/Gdown etc.
  • For construction of building (s) in the pre- owned land, acquisition of factory land and building as well as factory and with building under construction.
  • To Start Greenfield projects.
  • For acquisition of fixed assets (Plant & Machinery), equipment, furniture & fixtures etc) for business activities.
  1. Cash Credit/Overdraft limit:- to meet the working capital requirements.
  2. Stand By line of Credit :- To meet the temporary liquidity mismatch.
  3. Non Fund based limit (Bank Guarantee & Letter of Credit).

Eligible Borrowers

All MSME units owned and managed by the Female Proprietor/Partner/director/ majority stakeholder (at least 51%) is eligible under the scheme.


  • Cash credit/Overdraft limit: - to meet the working capital requirements
  • Term Loan (For Creation/ Construction of Fixed Assets/ P&M/ Equipment/Etc.)
  • Non-fund (LC/BG)

Stand by Line of Credit: To meet the temporary liquidity mismatch

Quantum of Loan

Above Rs 2.00 Lakhs up to Rs 500.00 Lakhs

Maximum Period allowed  

Working Capital:- One Year repayable on demand.

Term Loan:- Maximum Repayment period up to 10 years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.

Processing Charges 

As per Bank Extant Guidelines


As per HO RMD circular no. 518/2024-25 dated 30-09-2024 and subsequent amendments

Scheme Codes:-

Term Loan –PSMTL

Cash Credit – PSMCC






  1. Term Loan for the following  purposes:


  • Purchase/ Construction/ Renovation of Business Premises, Factory/ Offices/ Shop/ Godown etc.
  • For construction of building (s) in the pre- owned land, acquisition of factory land and building as well as factory and with building under construction.
  • To Start Greenfield projects.
  • For acquisition of fixed assets (Plant & Machinery), equipment, furniture & fixtures etc) for business activities.
  • Any other purpose whereby asset is created out of Bank’s finance for the purpose of running the business.


  1. Cash Credit/Overdraft limit:- to meet the working capital requirements.
  2. Stand By line of Credit :- To meet the temporary liquidity mismatch.
  3. Non Fund based limit (Bank Guarantee & Letter of Credit).

Eligible Borrowers

  • Enterprises owned or managed by the young entrepreneurs between the age of 18 -35 years or cases where majority stake (at least 51%) held by entrepreneurs aged between 18-35 years.

Quantum of Loan

From Rs 10.00 Lakhs upto Rs 500.00 Lakhs

Maximum Period allowed  

Working Capital:- One Year repayable on demand.

Term Loan:- Up to 10 years including moratorium period of maximum of 12 months.


Click Here

Scheme Codes:-

Term Loan –PYITL

Cash Credit – PYICC











This product is designed based upon Digital footprints  of  information available from different sources. This will be a manual branch assisted credit programme for the MSMEs having credit requirement up to Rs.25.00 Lakh



  • All Brown field units having vintage (Digital footprints) of 12 Months.
  • Individuals, Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Pvt Ltd Co.
  • All New to credit (NTC), Existing to Credit (ETC), New to Bank (NTB), Existing to Bank (ETB).
  • Udyam Registration Certificate or equivalent is mandatory.

Nature of loan

Cash Credit & Term loan


Loan Amount

Minimum: Above Rs. 50,000/-

Maximum: Rs.25.00 Lakh





Rate of Interest

Please refer the Bank’s website for updated rate of Interest


Tenure of Loan

Term Loan – Repayable in 12 months to 84 months.

Working Capital - Repayable in 12 months, subject to annual review 


Indicative list of documents 

  • Udyam Registration Number
  • Bank a/c statement for last 12 months
  • Income Tax Return,if available
  • GST Return, if available
  • Any other information relevant in assessing income/Business performance.

New Internet Banking Solution



PSB UniC Digital Banking Solution


“Compare and Shop is a Service provided by Cheggout Services Pvt Ltd for Punjab and Sind Bank customer(s). Punjab & Sind Bank is providing this as a value added service. Punjab and Sind Bank does not guarantee or warranty or make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the product/service and/or discount or benefit.”

