
Punjab & Sind Bank Disclaimer Policy

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Punjab & Sind Bank has taken all steps to protect the customer information. However it shall not be liable or responsible and expressly di sclaims any liability or responsibility arising on account of disclosure of such information through unauthorized access of the website or otherwise.

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User specifically agrees that Punjab & Sind Bank shall not be responsible for any harm or damage which may be caused due to any virus or harm ful components which may be there or enter in the contents of the website. User agrees that Punjab & Sind Bank shall not be responsible for any unauthorized access to or alter ation of, transmissions of data or any material sent or received or any transaction entered into through Punjab & Sind Bank site /service. User specifically agrees that Punjab & Sin d Bank is not responsible or liable for any threatening, defamatory, obscene, offensive or illegal contents or conduct of any other party or any infringement of other rights including intellectual property rights. Punjab & Sind Bank is not responsible for any content sent using and/o r included in Punjab & Sind Bank site/service by any third party.

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Punjab & Sind Bank reserves the right to revise and amend this disclaimer notice from time to time and any revised version will be deemed to b e applicable from the first date of publication on this website.

Please read above terms and conditions carefully. By accessing this site and any pages thereof, you agree to be bound by the terms and con ditions stated above. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions stated above, do not access this site or any pages thereof.

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“Compare and Shop is a Service provided by Cheggout Services Pvt Ltd for Punjab and Sind Bank customer(s). Punjab & Sind Bank is providing this as a value added service. Punjab and Sind Bank does not guarantee or warranty or make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the product/service and/or discount or benefit.”

