
PSB Online SMS Banking


Registered Retail users of PsbOnline can bank with Punjab & Sind Bank by sending text messages (SMS) in predefined formats (given in below table). Please note that users need to subscribe for SMS Banking before using this feature. Users can subscribe for SMS Banking in one of following two ways:

  • If you are applying for PsbOnline first time, opt for "SMS Banking" service while submitting PsbOnline application Form R-I.
  • If you are already registered for PsbOnline then submit "SMS Banking Registration" request by login into your PsbOnline account. This request is available under "Requests" menu.

Obtaining SMS Banking Password

Once users are subscribed for SMS Banking, they can generate (set) their SMS Banking Password under "Preferences" menu after login into PsbOnline. This SMS Banking Password is required while sending text message.

Users can do following using SMS Banking:


S.No. SMS Banking Feature Format of Sending Text Message
1. Get account balance PBAL Account-Number SMS-Banking-Password (e.g. PBAL 00001000001011 1234)
2. Get last 3 transactions PTXN Account-Number SMS-Banking-Password (e.g. PTXN 00001000001011 1234)
3. Cheque status inquiry PCHQ Cheque-Number Account-Number SMS-Banking-Password
(e.g. PCHQ 350161 09291000000021 1234)
4. Change your SMS Password PPWD New-Password Old-Password
(e.g. PPWD 5678 1234)

Send text message to 9773056161 & 8082656161.



Card Block Facility Through SMS Banking

For blocking your Debit Card by simple sending an SMS. All you need to type the following text and send an SMS to 8828554038 from your registered mobile number -

LOST <space> last 4 digits of your card number

e.g: LOST 1234

You will receive an acknowledgement on your registered mobile number confirming you the status of the request. Please note that this service is available only for PSB cardholders who have registered their mobile number with the Bank. Kindly register/update your mobile number with the Bank for more services and SMS alerts.

Temporary Blocking/Unblocking:

Further In order to provide ease and convenience to our Bank’s card holders for temporary blocking their ATM Debit Cards when not in use, Service for blocking of Debit Card through SMS is available.

To Temporary block & Unblock Debit Card, Cardholder need to type the following respective text and send an SMS to 8828554038 from his/her registered mobile number. –

TBLOCK <space> last 4 digits of your Debit Card number (eg: TBLOCK 1234)

For Unblocking temporary Blocked cards:

UBLOCK <space> last 4 digits of your Debit Card number (eg: UBLOCK 1234)”

New Internet Banking Solution



PSB UniC Digital Banking Solution


“Compare and Shop is a Service provided by Cheggout Services Pvt Ltd for Punjab and Sind Bank customer(s). Punjab & Sind Bank is providing this as a value added service. Punjab and Sind Bank does not guarantee or warranty or make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the product/service and/or discount or benefit.”

