
Redressal of complaints/grievances

Redressal of complaints / grievances

In case of any complaint, the matter may first be brought to the notice of concerned Branch Manager for immediate redressal. If the complaint is not redressed to the satisfaction of the customer, the matter may be taken up with the Zonal Manager.

If the complainant still feels unsatisfied with the response received, he can address his complaint to bank's Nodal Officer designated to deal with Customers' Complaints/ Grievances giving full details of the case.

After exhausting all the above machinery/channels, if the customer is still not satisfied, he may write to Chairman & Managing Director of the Bank.

If still not satisfied, he is free to take recourse to the followings:

  • Office of the Banking Ombudsman located in State Capitals under RBI Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
  • Directorate of Public Grievances, Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretariat, Sansad Marg, New Delhi.
  • Distt. Consumer Forum, under Consumer Protection Act, 1985,

In case of complaints related to Corruption/Bribe etc. same can be sent to

Corporate Office Vigilance Department,
1st Floor, Plate-B, Office Block-III
NBCC Complex, East Kidwai Nagar,
New Delhi-110023.
Contact Nos. 011-40175127


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