Updation/Modification of Mobile no /E-Mail Id
(a)1st time Registration : Free of Cost
(b) Updation/Modification of Mobile Number/E-mail Id: Rs.50/- Per instance
Allowing operations through Power of Attorney/Mandate
Constitution of Accounts
1st Time Registration
Individual A/c
Non-Individual A/c
Modification in PoA/ Mandate
Individual A/c
Non-Individual A/c
Addition/deletion in accounts or change in operational instructions or authorized signatories
Account Type
Constitution of Account
SB Account:- Addition/deletion in accounts or change in operational instructions or authorized signatories(No charges for deletion of name on account of death of the customer in Joint account )
(a) Rs.50/- Per instance for Individual A/c.
(b) Rs.100/- Per instance for Non-Individual A/c.
Current Account: Change in operational instructions or authorized signatories. (Exempted in case of death of the existing signatory)
Rs.200/- Per instance
Nomination charges
1st time registration: Free.
Change of Nomination: Rs.100/- per instance.
In case of death of Nominee-No charges for Re-Nomination.
Interest Certificate / Balance Certificate/ other certificate in Deposit Accounts
1St Instance: Free.
2nd Instance onwards: Rs.150/- per instance.
The above charges shall be levied for more than one instance within financial year.
Attestation of Signature /Photo
Signature attestation for ECS purpose
Non-Individual A/c
150/- per instrument
Individual customer A/c
100/- per instrument
Students, Defense forces, War- widows, Physically-Handicap.
Enquiries related to old records (beyond 12 months old) per item for all type of customers
Rs.200/- per item upto 2 years records and thereafter additional Rs.100/- for every additional year of each item.
Exchange of Soiled/Imperfect Notes
Upto 20 pieces and value upto Rs.5000/-
More than 20 pieces or value above Rs.5000/-
Rs.2/- per piece or Rs.5/- per Rs.1000/- whichever is higher on entire exchange.