
Commission on Import Bills not under LC

(These charges are to be recovered on retirement in case of sight bills, at the time of acceptance and release of documents in case of Usance bills)

On each bill in foreign currency on which exchange margin is earned by the Bank




  • Bill upto ₹2 lac-₹200
  • Bill above ₹2 lac upto ₹5 lac--₹500
  • Bill above ₹5 lac upto ₹10 lac--₹1500
  • Bill above 10 lac upto ₹50 lac--₹2500.00
  • Bill above 50 lac upto ₹2 Cr.--₹5000.00
  • Bill above ₹2 Cr. upto ₹5 Cr. --₹7500.000
  • Bill above ₹5 Cr. -- ₹15000.00

On each bill drawn in Rupees or in Foreign currency on which no exchange is earned by the Bank

  • 0.15%
  • Min ₹1500 Max ₹20000

For bills received directly by importer from overseas exporter/bank

  • 0.15%
  • Min ₹1500 Max ₹20000

Release order pending receipt of shipping documents  for Air consignments

₹1000 per release order

Merchanting trade

Commission as applicable to export & import leg of transaction

Import documents covering project imports under Inter-Govt aid scheme, and projects financed by IMF, ADB, World Bank etc.

  • 0.15%
  • Min ₹1500 to Max ₹20000

Handling charges for bills forwarded to another AD for effecting remittance to a bank abroad

₹1000 per bill

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