The Honorable Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech has made announcement of implementation of financial inclusion plan in two phases. Phase-I of National Mission on Financial Inclusion Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna, which is expected to be completed by 14.08.2015 proposes the following:-
- Universal access to banking facilities
- Providing Basic Banking Accounts.
- RuPay Debit card with inbuilt accident insurance cover of Rs.1 lakh and
- Financial Literacy Programme
Salient features of the PMJDY being adopted in our Bank.
- Scheme to be launched by Honorable PM on 28th August 14 , nationwide.
- At least 2 accounts from each household from the allotted FI villages to be opened during the campaign.
- Linking of lady of the house as head of household.
- Providing personalized RuPay debit card to all the account holders.
- Accidental insurance of Rs.1 lacs for each card holder.
- Accounts to be opened with zero balance.
- Linkage of account with UID number , as all Government benefits/subsidy to route through this account.
- Single page simple account opening form designed with inbuilt facility of OD.
Please visit nearest Punjab & Sind Bank branch / special camp or bank mitra to open your bank account