
Commitment Charges

Following charges to be levied on average unutilized portion of W.C. facilities exceeding 3.00 cr.

  1. For Working Capital Limit:

Undrawn balance as % of total fund based working capital limit

Commitment charges (% p.a. on undrawn  balance)

Up to & inclusive of 25%


Above 25% to 50%

0.50% p.a.

Above 50%

1% p.a.

  1. The unutilized portion will be ascertained by calculating the daily average utilization during the year. 
  2. The difference between the average utilization determined as above and the sanctioned limit shall represent the unutilized portion.
  3. The year for this purposes shall be taken as calendar year and the commitment charges shall be charged at the end of year say in the month of December of the respective year.
  1. For Term Loan:

For loans above Rs.5 cr. (irrespective of working capital limits) for delayed drawdown (as per drawdown schedule given at the time of sanction) beyond 3 months – 0.50 % p.a. from the date fixed for availment to the date of actual availment.


  • Export credit
  • Rice Sheller
  • Cold storage
  • Seasonal Credit Facilities 
  • Bill finance including bill discounting/ purchase limit or sub-limit sanctioned against bills for collection.

Limits sanctioned to commercial banks, FIs, Cooperative banks including land development banks

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