
Doorstep Banking Service

Door Step Banking (DSB) For Senior Citizen, Differently abled Customers


  • Senior Citizens of more than 70 years of age and differently abled persons.
  • Fully KYC compliant account holders.
  • Valid Mobile Number should be registered with the account.
  • Customers having registered address within a radius of 10 KMs from the Home Branch.
  • Single Account Holders and Joint Account Holders with Either or Survivor/ Former or Survivor.
  • Not available for: 1. Joint Account operated jointly. 2. Minor Accounts. 3. Accounts of Non-Personal nature.

Services Available

  • Cash pickup.
  • Cash delivery.
  • Cheque pickup
  • Cheque Book requisition Slip pickup.
  • Delivery of Cheque Book
  • Form 15H pickup.
  • Delivery of Drafts.
  • Delivery of Term Deposit Reciept
  • Life Certificate Pickup.
  • KYC documents pickup etc.

Modality/Guideline of Door Step Services:-

  • The request can be placed through the registered mobile of the eligible customer by calling the given Toll free No 18004198300.
  • The serviceable area under this scheme will be within a radius of 10 KMs of the bank branch premises.
  • The service will be given at the residence/communication address/premises of the customer as registered in Bank’s record.
  • The request which is placed between 09:00 AM to 02:30 PM shall be served within Two Hours on the same day.
  • The request placed after 02:30 PM on any working days shall be served on next working day within 2 hours from the beginning of business hours of the bank branch.
  • The cancellation request may be placed within 30 minutes from placement of the request free of cost. Once the request is confirmed by the customer, the field functionaries are required to wait for next 30 minutes for cancellation request before proceeding over the request.
  • The cancellation request (from the customer) which is placed after 30 minutes from the lodgment time of the request; shall not be accepted and it shall be considered as denial of requested services to accept at the part of the customer and in this case, applicable charges for the services shall apply.
  • The service will be rendered by Bank’s permanent staff only
  • Bank reserves the right* to cancel any request on the basis of various risks and the circumstances beyond its control. In this case, the branch concerned shall inform the customer regarding cancellation of his/her request for Doorstep Banking Service within 30 minutes of lodgment time of the request.
  • * In case, after receipt of the request, branch is not in a position to serve the request due to risk factors arising out of riots/blockade/curfew etc in the area, the Branch Manager may cancel the request after putting proper justification (documentation) at his/her end & the branch will inform the customer through mail/telephone etc within 30 minutes from the lodgment time of the request)
  • For Cash Transactions, there would a maximum cap limit of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) per request Doorstep Banking Service

List of Branches – Mandatory Basis – Doorstep Banking

List of Branches – Best Effrot Basis – Doorstep Banking

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“Compare and Shop is a Service provided by Cheggout Services Pvt Ltd for Punjab and Sind Bank customer(s). Punjab & Sind Bank is providing this as a value added service. Punjab and Sind Bank does not guarantee or warranty or make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the product/service and/or discount or benefit.”

