
MSME Application

Application to the Committee for a Corrective Action Plan under Revival & Rehabilitation of MSME

(For Existing Loan Exposure above Rs.10 Lakhs and up to Rs.25Crore) ( To be submitted along with documents as per the check list )

Fields marked with * are mandatory

A. Brief Profile of the Enterprise:

External Credit Rating

B. Details of Proprietor/ Partners/ Directors - (Amount in Lacs)

C. Details of Associate Concern / Sister Concern: - (Amount in Lacs)

FB NFB Net Sales Net Profit Net Worth

D. Social Category


Female Male Transgender

Physically challenged

Yes No

Social Category

General SC ST OBC Women Minority

If Minority Community

Buddhists Muslims Christians Sikhs Jains Zoroastrians

E. Details of Existing Liabilities with the Bank: - (Amount in Lacs)

Fund based working capital (CC / OD/EPC etc.)
Export Packing Credit (Rupee/PCFC)
Bills Discounting
Fund based sub-total
LC/BG for working capital
Letters of comfort
Non Fund based Subtotal
Total Working Capital
Term Exposures (Other than Project Loans) (Balance Sheet funding)
Derivatives (after applying CCF)
Others (please specify)
Total Exposure

Banking arrangement and sharing pattern:

Financial Arrangement:

Sole Banking Consortium Multiple Banking
  FB NFB Total % Share
  WC TL          
  Limit O/s Limit O/s Limit O/s Limit O/s  

F. Details of Other Liabilities: - (Amount in Lacs)

G. Financials: - (Amount in Lacs)

Net Sales (including Operating Income)
(%) growth in net sales over previous year
Operating Profit (after interest)
Operating Profit Margin (%)
Other Income
Profit Before tax
Net Profit Margin (%)
Paid-up Equity Capital
Tangible Net Worth
Adjusted TNW
TOL/ Adjusted TNW
Current Ratio
Cash Accruals
Debt Service Coverage Ratio

H. In case of additional Working Capital: - (Amount in Lacs)

Actual Sales Projected
- - Sales Working Cycle(in days) Inventory(in days) Debtors(in days) Creditors(in days) Promoter’s Contribution

I. For additional term loan facilities projections to be provided till the proposed year of repayment of loan.

J. (a) Details of Existing Security: - (Amount in Lacs)

Particulars of Primary Security Nature of charge Date of Valuation Value
Particulars of Collateral Security SARFAESI Complaint (Y or N) Nature of charge Date of Valuation Value

J. (b)Details of Proposed Additional Security to be offered: - (Amount in Lacs)

Particulars of Primary Security Nature of charge Date of Valuation Value
Particulars of Collateral Security SARFAESI Complaint (Y or N) Nature of charge Date of Valuation Value

K. (a) Details of Existing Guarantors: - (Amount in Lacs)

Name and addresses of the Guarantors Age Occupation Annual Income Other dues as Borrower / Guarantor

K. (b)Details of Proposed Guarantors: - (Amount in Lacs)

Name and addresses of the Guarantors Age Occupation Annual Income Other dues as Borrower / Guarantor

L. Details of stress faced by the Enterprise

M. Suggested Remedial Measures with the estimated time frame to justify the action plan

CHECK LIST: (The check list is only indicative and not exhaustive and depending upon the requirements of banks addition/deletion could be made as per necessity)

  • Last two years balance sheets (wherever applicable as per Statutory requirements / Bank's instructions) of the units along with income tax/sales tax return etc.
  • Projected balance sheets for two years in case of working capital limits and for the period of the loan in case of term loan.
  • Sales achieved during the current financial year up to the date of submission of application/Provisional Balance sheet as at Previous Quarter End.
  • Asset & Liability statement of Proprietor/ Partners/ Directors.
  • If funds proposed to be infused by borrower, please specify Sources.
  • Detailed Particulars of securities primary/collateral proposed, if any.
  • Details of all liabilities of the enterprise, including the liabilities owed to the State or Central Government and unsecured creditors, if any.
  • Supporting details for the suggested remedial measures with the estimated time frame by the Enterprise to justify the action plan /solution.


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